Cost-Saving Strategies with ARCHIBUS: Enhance Efficiency and Reduce Operational Costs

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and reduce operational costs. Archibus, a leading integrated workplace management system (IWMS), offers robust tools that can help businesses achieve these goals through improved facility management and operational efficiency. Here’s how Archibus can be leveraged to cut costs and enhance organizational performance.

1. Optimized Space Utilization

One of the most significant expenses for any organization is real estate. Archibus provides comprehensive space management solutions that help businesses use their office space more efficiently. By analyzing usage data, Archibus can identify underutilized areas, allowing companies to consolidate space and reduce the amount of leased or owned property. This not only cuts down on rental costs but also reduces utility and maintenance expenses associated with larger spaces.

2. Strategic Asset Management

Maintaining assets can be costly, especially without a strategic plan in place. Archibus helps organizations manage their physical assets more effectively by tracking their lifecycle from acquisition to disposal. With detailed insights into asset conditions and performance, companies can schedule preventive maintenance to avoid costly repairs and extend asset longevity. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and reduces expenditure on new equipment.

Archibus Metrics

3. Energy Management

Energy consumption is another area where Archibus excels to reduce operational costs. The software includes tools for monitoring and managing energy use across all facilities. By identifying patterns and areas of high energy usage, Archibus enables organizations to implement energy-saving measures, such as optimizing HVAC systems or shifting to energy-efficient lighting. These changes not only lower energy bills but also contribute to sustainability goals.

4. Automated Workflows and Processes

Manual processes are often time-consuming and prone to errors. Archibus automates key workflows related to facility management, such as work order processing, lease administration, and compliance reporting. Automation speeds up operations, reduces labor costs, and improves accuracy, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks that add value to the business.

5. Compliance and Risk Management

Failing to comply with regulations can result in hefty fines and reputational damage. Archibus helps ensure that organizations meet all relevant compliance requirements related to facility management and safety. The system can alert managers about upcoming inspections or necessary certifications, significantly reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated costs.

6. Enhanced Decision Making

Finally, Archibus provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that offer deep insights into every aspect of facility management. With access to real-time data and trends, decision-makers can identify cost-saving opportunities quickly and make informed choices that align with the company’s financial goals.

By implementing Archibus, organizations can enjoy a range of benefits that directly translate into cost savings and increased efficiency. From optimizing space usage to enhancing asset management and reducing energy costs, Archibus provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses thrive while keeping operational costs in check. Investing in such an IWMS solution not only supports short-term financial goals but also positions companies for long-term success in an ever-evolving market landscape.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.




Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with ARCHIBUS

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with Archibus: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Welcome to the world of streamlined facility management with Archibus! Whether you’re looking to enhance space utilization, improve maintenance operations, or optimize your asset management, Archibus provides a robust platform that can transform your organizational capabilities. This guide will walk you through the initial steps of setting up Archibus, training your staff, and integrating the system into your existing workflows.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the software, it’s crucial to clearly define what you want to achieve with Archibus. Identify key pain points in your current facility management processes and determine how Archibus can address these issues. Common objectives might include reducing operational costs, improving the accuracy of asset tracking, or enhancing space utilization.

Step 2: Plan Your Implementation

Implementation planning involves several key components:

    1. Resource Allocation: Determine who will be responsible for the Archibus implementation and ongoing management.
    2. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for rollout, including key milestones.
    3. Budget: Outline the budget for both implementation and ongoing expenses.

Step 3: Install the Software

Work with a certified Archibus consultant to install the software. This process typically includes:

    1. Setting up the server environment.
    2. Installing the software.
    3. Configuring settings to suit your organization’s specific needs.

Step 4: Data Migration

Migrate existing data into Archibus. This step is critical and may require:

    1. Data cleaning to ensure accuracy and completeness.
    2. Mapping existing data fields to corresponding fields.
    3. Importing data using tools provided by Archibus.


Archibus Homepage

Step 5: Customize and Configure

Customize and configure the system according to your organization’s needs. This might involve:

    1. Setting up user roles and permissions.
    2. Customizing interfaces and reports.
    3. Integrating Archibus with other systems like HR, ERP, or financial software.

Step 6: Train Your Staff

Effective training is essential for successful implementation. Consider the following training strategies:

    1. Training Sessions: Conduct comprehensive training sessions covering basic navigation, functionality, and best practices.
    2. Documentation: Provide detailed user manuals and quick reference guides.
    3. Ongoing Support: Establish a support system for addressing questions and issues as they arise.

Step 7: Go Live and Monitor

Once everything is set up and everyone is trained, go live with the system. Monitor the implementation closely to address any issues promptly. Key activities during this phase include:

    1. Regular check-ins with users to gather feedback and identify any challenges.
    2. Adjusting configurations as needed based on user feedback.
    3. Monitoring system performance and making necessary optimizations.

Step 8: Evaluate and Expand

After the system has been operational for a while, evaluate its impact. Assess whether the original objectives are being met and consider whether additional features or modules could further benefit your organization. Continuous improvement will help maximize the return on your Archibus investment.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Archibus to its full potential, thereby enhancing your organization’s facility management capabilities. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in careful planning, effective training, and ongoing evaluation.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.



Navigating Compliance with Archibus

In today’s regulatory environment, staying compliant with various industry standards and government regulations is more critical than ever. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, legal challenges, and damage to an organization’s reputation. This is where the Archibus Compliance Application comes into play—an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) that helps organizations maintain compliance across their operations.

Key Features of Archibus for Compliance:

    1. Centralized Data Repository: Archibus serves as a single source of truth for all compliance-related data, ensuring information is consistent, accessible, and secure. This centralized approach simplifies the management of documents, permits, and certifications.
    2. Automated Workflows: With automated workflows, Archibus streamlines the process of scheduling inspections, tracking maintenance activities, and ensuring timely completion of compliance-related tasks. Automation reduces human error and ensures critical deadlines are met.
    3. Environmental and Risk Management: Archibus provides tools for environmental sustainability and risk assessment, helping organizations adhere to environmental regulations and workplace safety standards. It enables monitoring of energy usage, hazardous materials, and indoor air quality.
    4. Real-time Reporting and Dashboards: Customizable dashboards and real-time reporting capabilities allow stakeholders to monitor status at a glance. Reports can be generated to demonstrate compliance to regulators and auditors.
    5. Integration Capabilities: The ability to integrate with other systems allows Archibus to pull in relevant data from various sources, providing a comprehensive view of compliance across different departments and functions.


Archibus Compliance ApplicationStaying on top of compliance is a complex but essential task for any organization. Archibus offers a robust IWMS solution that eases the burden of compliance management through centralization, automation, and integration. By leveraging Archibus, organizations can not only avoid the pitfalls of non-compliance but also drive operational efficiency and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Are you ready to take control of your compliance challenges? Learn more about how Archibus can transform your compliance management by contacting us today or visiting our website for further information.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.




Leveraging the Power of GIS in Facility Management: Integrating Esri with Archibus

In the realm of facility management and real estate, the integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with enterprise asset management platforms like Archibus can unlock a wealth of benefits. Integrating Esri ArcGIS platform brings powerful mapping and spatial analytics to the table, while Archibus excels in managing facilities, infrastructure, and real estate portfolios. Combining these two can revolutionize how organizations manage their physical assets.

Benefits of Integration: The fusion of Esri’s GIS capabilities with Archibus’s asset and facility management tools offers several advantages:

    1. Enhanced Data Visualization: By integrating location data with facility management, stakeholders can visualize assets and infrastructure within a geographic context, leading to more intuitive management and planning.
    2. Informed Decision-Making: Geospatial analytics allow for deeper insights into facility usage patterns, helping to drive strategic decisions about space planning, maintenance, and resource allocation.
    3. Streamlined Operations: Linking GIS with facility and asset data simplifies workflows, enhances communication, and improves operational efficiency by providing a unified view of all assets.

Archibus ESRI IntegrationUse Cases: Several practical applications highlight the value of integrating Esri with Archibus:

    1. Asset Tracking: Facilities managers can track the locations and conditions of assets in real-time, enhancing maintenance schedules and asset longevity.
    2. Space Utilization: Organizations can merge floor plans with geographic maps to analyze and optimize space usage across multiple locations.
    3. Emergency Response: Integrated mapping supports better emergency planning and response, enabling quick access to critical facility and infrastructure information during crises.


Technical Considerations: Successfully integrating Esri with Archibus involves several key technical aspects:

    1. Data Synchronization: It’s crucial to establish reliable methods for synchronizing data between Esri and Archibus to maintain accuracy and integrity.
    2. System Architecture: The integration requires a robust technical architecture that ensures seamless communication between the GIS and facility management systems.
    3. Security: As with any integration, ensuring the security of data as it moves between systems is paramount.


Challenges and Solutions: While integrating GIS with facility management systems is highly beneficial, it’s not without challenges:

    1. Complexity of Data: Managing and merging large datasets from different sources can be daunting. Using middleware or custom APIs can help streamline this process.
    2. User Adoption: Change can be difficult, so providing adequate training and support is essential for successful adoption.
    3. Costs: Initial setup costs can be significant, but focusing on long-term ROI will help justify the investment.


Future of Integrated Systems: Looking ahead, the integrating of Esri with facility management is poised to become even more sophisticated with advancements in IoT, smart buildings, and AI. These technologies promise to further enhance the efficiency and intelligence of facility operations, driving sustainability and innovation.


Conclusion: Integrating Esri’s GIS technology with Archibus creates an environment where spatial intelligence meets asset and facility management excellence. The combined power of these tools not only enhances day-to-day operations but also provides strategic insights that can lead to more informed decision-making and resource optimization.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of integrating GIS into your facility management practices? Reach out to us to learn more about how your organization can make this transformative step.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Leveraging Data Analytics in Facilities Management: How Archibus Analytics Can Drive Decision-Making and Operational Improvements

In today’s data-driven world, facilities management (FM) is no exception to the transformative power of analytics. With the right tools, FM professionals can turn vast amounts of data into actionable insights. Archibus, a leader in integrated workplace management systems (IWMS), offers robust analytics capabilities that empower facility managers to make informed decisions and optimize operations.

The Power of Archibus Analytics

Archibus provides a comprehensive analytics platform that helps facility managers understand complex data through easy-to-interpret dashboards, reports, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Here’s how leveraging these analytics can drive decision-making and operational improvements:

  1. Strategic Asset Management: By analyzing historical maintenance data, Archibus helps predict future asset performance and maintenance needs. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and extends asset life-cycles.
  2. Space Optimization: Utilizing occupancy and space utilization data, Archibus analytics enables facility managers to identify underutilized spaces and make adjustments to improve space efficiency, which can lead to significant cost savings.
  3. Energy Consumption Analysis: Archibus helps track and analyze energy usage patterns across facilities. Managers can use this data to implement energy-saving measures, reduce carbon footprint, and lower utility costs.
  4. Compliance and Risk Management: Keeping up with regulatory compliance is simplified as Archibus analytics track relevant data, ensuring facilities meet industry standards and avoid potential fines or legal issues.
  5. Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: Customizable reports provide stakeholders with clear insights into FM operations, supporting strategic planning and demonstrating the value of facility management within the organization.

Data AnalyticsImplementing Archibus Analytics for Operational Excellence

To effectively leverage Archibus analytics, facilities managers should:

  • Integrate Data Sources: Ensure all relevant FM data streams are integrated into Archibus for a holistic view.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with data analytics, whether it’s cost reduction, improved sustainability, or enhanced occupant experience.
  • Train Your Team: Equip your team with the knowledge to utilize Archibus analytics tools effectively.
  • Act on Insights: Use the data-driven insights to make strategic changes in your FM operations.



Data analytics is an invaluable asset in modern facilities management. Archibus offers a powerful analytics suite that transforms data into strategic insights, driving better decision-making and operational excellence. By embracing these tools, facility managers can not only improve their daily operations but also contribute to the overall success and competitiveness of their organizations.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

The Future of IWMS: Navigating Emerging Trends with Archibus

As the corporate landscape evolves, the demand for agile and comprehensive facility management solutions becomes increasingly critical. Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) are at the forefront of this evolution, offering sophisticated tools to manage real estate, infrastructure, and facilities assets. Archibus, a leader in the IWMS space, continues to set the benchmark by staying ahead of emerging trends. This blog explores the future of IWMS and how Archibus is innovating to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

IWMS - ArchibusEmerging Trends in IWMS:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into IWMS platforms like Archibus is revolutionizing facility management. Predictive analytics for maintenance, smart space utilization, and automated workflows are just a few areas where AI enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. IoT and Smart Building Technology: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in modern facilities. Archibus leverages IoT data to monitor building systems, optimize energy consumption, and ensure a comfortable and productive environment for occupants.
  3. Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Archibus is committed to helping organizations achieve their green goals by providing tools for tracking energy usage, reducing waste, and maintaining LEED certification standards.
  4. Mobile Workforce Accommodation: With the rise of remote and mobile workforces, managing space and resources effectively has become more complex. Archibus offers mobile solutions that enable employees to find workspaces, book resources, and access services on-the-go, ensuring maximum flexibility and productivity.
  5. Enhanced User Experience: User experience is paramount in the design of next-generation IWMS. Archibus focuses on creating intuitive interfaces and personalized dashboards, making it easier for users to interact with the system and perform their tasks efficiently.


How Archibus Stays Ahead:

  1. Continuous Innovation: Archibus invests heavily in research and development to incorporate the latest technologies and best practices into its platform, ensuring clients have access to cutting-edge tools.
  2. Scalable Solutions: Archibus provides scalable solutions that grow with your business. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a multinational corporation, Archibus can adapt to your changing needs.
  3. Global Support Network: With a vast network of partners and support professionals around the world, Archibus ensures that clients receive timely assistance and expertise no matter where they operate.
  4. Client-Centric Development: Feedback from the diverse Archibus user community drives the platform’s evolution, ensuring that new features and improvements address the real-world challenges faced by facility managers.


The future of IWMS is dynamic and promising, with technological advancements paving the way for smarter, more efficient facility management. Archibus remains at the vanguard of these developments, providing organizations with a robust, forward-thinking platform that not only responds to emerging trends but actively shapes the future of integrated workplace management. Embrace the advanced capabilities of Archibus and lead your organization into a new era of facility management excellence.

Ready to explore how Archibus can elevate your IWMS strategy? Contact us to discover the full potential of an integrated approach to workplace management.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Streamline Your Facility Management with a Single Integrated Platform

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing a facility’s infrastructure can be complex and challenging, especially when relying on multiple disjointed systems. Organizations are often bogged down by inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and communication barriers. However, there is a solution that stands out for its ability to streamline and unify these disparate processes into one seamless operation: Archibus, a single Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS).

The Power of Integration Archibus offers a shared database across all applications, ensuring that information is consistent, up-to-date, and easily accessible. This integration extends beyond the core facilities management functions, as Archibus can seamlessly integrate with other critical systems, including financial platforms. By acting as a central hub, it simplifies operations and enhances decision-making.

Benefits of a Single Platform

  1. Enhanced Reporting: With all data consolidated in one platform, generating comprehensive reports becomes effortless. Users can pull real-time insights from various aspects of facilities management, from maintenance schedules to space utilization, providing a holistic view of operations.
  2. Improved Data Sharing: A single platform facilitates better collaboration between departments. When everyone accesses the same system, sharing crucial information is immediate, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors.
  3. Increased Visibility: Archibus provides visibility into every facet of your facilities’ infrastructure. Managers can monitor and control processes more effectively, spotting trends, and addressing issues before they escalate.
  4. Consistent System of Record: As the system of record for all facilities-related data, Archibus ensures that the information used to make strategic decisions is reliable and authoritative. This consistency is vital for maintaining operational integrity and compliance.
  5. Comprehensive Facilities Processes Coverage: Archibus isn’t just a maintenance management tool; it covers the full spectrum of facilities processes. From space planning and project management to environmental sustainability, compliance, and lease management, it supports every aspect of your organization’s infrastructure needs.

Archibus IWMSWhy Choose Archibus? Choosing Archibus means selecting a partner that understands the complexities of facilities management. It’s not just about having a tool; it’s about having the right tool—one that grows with your organization, adapts to your changing needs, and drives efficiency at every turn.

Conclusion For organizations juggling multiple systems to manage their facilities infrastructure, Archibus presents an opportunity to simplify, streamline, and elevate their operations. The benefits of a single integrated platform—enhanced reporting, improved sharing, increased visibility, and comprehensive coverage—are just the beginning. Embrace the power of Archibus and transform your facilities management into a strategic advantage.

Ready to see how Archibus can revolutionize your facility management? Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards a unified, efficient future.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

BIM for FM Construction Project Handover [Guide]

In a perfect world, a construction project handover delivers everything facility and maintenance managers need to efficiently run the new facility, including data on all critical assets and equipment, where they are, and how best to operate and maintain them. But we don’t live in a perfect world, and that means handovers are often full of missing data or data trapped on paper, where it’s easy to lose and hard to leverage. 

Before looking at how to improve them, it’s important to think about why handovers are so important. 

Why is the construction project handover so important? 


It’s important because no matter how much it costs to design and construct a new facility, it costs more to operate and maintain it, and the handover is what should set everyone up to run the new facility as efficiently as possible. It’s the first step to saving the most money when saving money matters most. 

With the right data in the right formats, the owners know exactly what assets and equipment they have, where they have them, and what they need in place to both operate and maintain them.  

Without a handover, or with one that’s slow and incomplete, owners find themselves spending many months and lots of money recreating or converting data into something their facility and maintenance managers can use.  

In a recent Eptura webinar, Joy Trinquet, an industry analyst at Verdandix with a focus on BIM for operations, explains the problems with the traditional construction project handover. 

“The existing handover processes at the end of construction projects are poor, at best. Building owners either receive no information or mounds of physical documents… They receive everything months after completion when the building’s already operating, and they can’t leverage it.” 

And being inefficient gets expensive fast. “The cost of understanding these big close-out packages is about 10 cents per square foot, adding a lot of costs to a building owner who is just trying to get started.” 

But with a successful construction handover process, earlier investments in building information modeling (BIM) data pay off throughout the entire facility life cycle. 

That means owners get more value from their facilities, and they get it sooner. For construction companies, they can deliver more value to their customers. Instead of just a facility, you’re also including a turn-key plan for how to run it. 

At the foundation of a successful construction handover is the seventh dimension of BIM. 

What are the building information modeling (BIM) dimensions and what is 7D BIM? 

BIM models have revolutionized the design and construction industries, allowing everyone involved in a project to contribute to a shared pile of data that’s both accurate and connected.  

But the data’s not really a pile, after all. 

One of the important things to understand about BIM data is that as you add in new types, you expand into new dimensions. So, 3D BIM is the basic dimensions for the facility, 4D includes all your design and construction timelines. 5D is money, while 6D BIM is all the data on sustainability. The data is not layered, and so it’s not really a pile. Instead, everything is interconnected, allowing you to see, for example, specific costs at different times in the construction phase, or the relationships between environmental studies and projected energy use. 

7D BIM, which is BIM for facility management, is where you move all your earlier BIM data into new formats and a facility management software solution. Unlike earlier BIM data, though, which tends to both larger and more static, BIM for FM data is smaller, lighter, and constantly updating.  

Why do you need different data for the design and construction phases and the operations and maintenance phases? 

Different goals call for different types of data. 

During the design and construction phases, a lot of that data, once it’s finalized, stays static. But for operations and maintenance, you need data that you can update in real time. 

For example, the data you have for where the HVAC system goes in the walls and ceilings during design and construction always stays the same. But the data you have on usage, maintenance, and repairs on your HVAC systems changes over time. During construction, you only need to know where the roof units go. But to create and run a good maintenance program, you need to know where the units are location plus: 

  • Makes 
  • Models 
  • Serial numbers 
  • O&M manuals 
  • Associated parts and materials 
  • Maintenance inspection schedules 
  • Maintenance tasks schedules 
  • Maintenance and repair histories 

Instead of as-built data, which tells you where everything is the day of the handover, you need as-maintained data, which tells you how best to run the facility. 

Facilities are complex combinations of structures, assets, equipment, and grounds. But the same idea holds for much simpler products. When someone buys a car, they don’t need the blueprints. Instead, they need an owner’s manual.  

7D BIM, BIM for FM, is the facility owner’s manual. 

What are the benefits of BIM in facility management? 

With the right data in the right formats, facility and maintenance managers know what they have, where they have it, and what they need to keep everything up and running. 

So, when setting up preventive maintenance programs, they already have the first critical steps covered, including building their asset registry and going over the manufacturers’ recommendations on inspections and tasks.  

And when technicians head out to do the work, they know exactly where to go because everything is already mapped out in the BIM data. Instead of walking around in circles, maintenance techs can move in efficient, straight lines.  

For larger projects, when there’s a need to retrofit or renovate, planning is much faster and easier thanks to simple conflict detection. When you can easily access data on where everything is inside the walls, it makes it a lot easier to plan the plumbing for the new breakroom, for example. 

Looking even further into the future, the BIM data from the turnover gets added to and updated throughout the facility’s life cycle, generating critical insights into choices made during design and construction. For example, the architect might have chosen a specific type of window for the sunnier side of a building to trap heat, hoping to reduce heating costs. However, during operations and maintenance, you might have a lot of new data that shows it costs more to replace the expensive panes than was ever saved in heating costs. When it’s time to design and construct a new facility, the architect would now know to use different windows.  


The construction project handover has traditionally left owners frustrated, unable to capitalize on earlier investments in BIM data from design and construction. Instead of delivering a useful owner’s manual, construction companies can only offer a lot of the wrong data, much of it in the wrong format. Instead of being able to efficiently operate and maintenance their new facility starting right away, owners are left playing catch up, spending time and money converting piles of paper into workable data. BIM for FM is the process of taking static as-built data and creating dynamic as-maintained data that facility and maintenance managers can use to create preventive maintenance programs and more easily complete retrofits and renovations. BIM for FM is the facility owner’s manual. 

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus- related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by exp犀利士
erienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Quick Tips: How to Make Desk Sharing Work

The concept of desk sharing can upset the balance of even the happiest workplace. Companies often believe their employees will clash over where, how, and when desks are used. Employees tend to fear the idea of a nomadic office, where they ultimately have no home. Both fears are valid, but easily addressed with the right desk-sharing setup.

Yanking the rug out from under employees with a desking shuffle is likely to create panic and chaos. Likewise, being too rigid about desk usage often eliminates the point of a shared desk arrangement. The approach needs to be somewhere in the middle—a happy medium between rigidity and office anarchy.

What is desk sharing?

Desk sharing’s definition is in its name. Instead of coming to work and walking to the same desk every day, employees can choose their workspace. There are many methods of execution. Some involve employees claiming a desk outright, while others rely on desk reservation systems.

Like most new-wave office concepts, the idea is to take employees out of their “silos” and encourage them to commingle homogeneously.

The motivation behind desk sharing is better space utilization and lower costs for the business. For employees, it’s meant to eliminate the droll, repetitious concept of doing the same thing every day. Desk sharing offers the flexibility both sides need to function better while promoting a positive, healthy workplace culture.

Desk sharing pros and cons

If the line between effective desk sharing at work and total workplace disruption is so thin, why chance it? Simple. The benefits of a successful desk-sharing arrangement far outweighs the negatives. Let’s put them in perspective.


  1. Saves space and lower space utilization costs
  2. Creates new collaboration opportunities among coworkers
  3. Improves workplace culture and employee wellbeing
  4. Helps attract and retain talent
  5. Increases business flexibility and worker agility
  6. Supports a flexible workforce (remote, part-time, contractor)
  7. Encourages a social workplace
  8. Incentivizes employees to be tidier and cleaner
  9. Levels the playing field in an office, creating equality



  1. Lacks personal, private space for employees
  2. Results in more disruptions to work
  3. Creates challenges for IT and support infrastructure
  4. Takes employees longer to get settled and working
  5. Promotes the formation of cliques and territories


Managed properly, the cons are easily minimized, managed, or eliminated altogether. There’s a tremendous incentive to make shared desking arrangements work.

How to make shared desks work

Making shared desks work isn’t a superhuman feat—it just relies on paying attention to the details. Here are a few tips for a proper transition to shared desks:

  1. Get buy-in from employees well before the changeover. Explain the benefits and field concerns in an open forum to foster positive sentiment.
  2. Actively address employee concerns beyond listening to them. Target pain points with innovative solutions and present them to employees. Responsible oversight can make the change easier.
  3. Determine the number of shared desks you’ll need, then budget for more. Consider the number of employees, the shifts they work, and other variables that affect occupancy. It may seem counterintuitive to cost-cutting, but extra desks ensure everyone has one during peak times.
  4. Create rules and guidelines to cover shared desk etiquette. This can stop bad habits and friction-inducing problems before they manifest. It’s also a great way to set the tone for what employees can expect from their new desking arrangement.
  5. Make the change gradual. Up-ending your entire office in a week won’t allow employees to transition or adapt. Delegate a set number of desks to convert over a period of time and lean into the transition. It’s less abrupt and gives employees time to get familiar.
  6. Create a variety of desk types and locations, as well as supplemental workspaces outside of shared desks. Employees shouldn’t feel boxed in by a lack of space. Provide options to improve utilization rates.
  7. Delegate authority to an office manager or facility manager. Creating a central authority for disputes and questions gives employees the comfort of having a final word on any uncertainties that may arise.
  8. Create a funnel for feedback about the shared desking arrangement. What do employees like or dislike? What isn’t meeting their needs or expectations? How could the arrangement be improved? Make the arrangement an ongoing forum.


These tips can help you avoid everything from workplace friction to the outright rejection of shared desks by your workforce. However, remain cognizant of how your workforce adjusts and adapts to shared desks. Keeping this arrangement successful depends on meeting ongoing challenges as they arise.

Avoid the pitfalls of desk sharing

The pitfalls of shared desks are few, but critical. Poorly executed shared desks can topple major pillars of your workplace—productivity, culture, and comfort. Proper execution is key. Ongoing adaptation is another. Consistent employee sentiment and recognition of relevant trends are the others. Together, they make shared desking work

Shared desking is a proven, positive workplace arrangement that offers measurable benefits. To capitalize on it, make sure you’re laying the right foundation and avoiding some of the common pitfalls that can sink this concept before it has a chance to return value.

By Tamara Sheehan
Director of Business Management

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus- related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Identifying Facilities Management Goals and Objectives

Facility management has always been critical to overall organizational success because of how it impacts key performance metrics like growth, productivity, and the bottom line. But as the landscape has changed, so has the process of identifying facility management goals and objectives. 

Traditionally, facility managers have acted more as space planners and workspace governors. But the rise of the hybrid office is just one of the many new workplace trends reshaping not only how we work but also where we work. Now, facilities managers need to set strategic goals using data and analytics from workplace management platforms and enterprise asset management solutions. They need to think about how to manage preventive maintenance for better asset management while finding new ways to support productivity by keeping a close eye on the overall employee experience. It’s a juggling act, with demands related to keeping people working and assets and equipment in working order. 

With their collections of always-connected, sometimes competing demands, facility managers need to carefully identify facility management goals and objectives before setting up the processes and procedures that help them get there. 

The Role of Facilities in goal setting

There are three types of facility management goals: those supporting the company, those supporting employees, and those inherent to the facilities themselves. It might be easier to understand these goals in a big upside-down funnel, with broad support at the top and specifics at the bottom. What ties all these goals together is the importance of the facilities, the facility manager, and the need for efficient facility management. 

Take a broad goal, for example, such as growing company revenue from $1M to $2M in 2023. Many different variables go into this objective, each playing a role in its ultimate success — facilities included. Because there are so many factors, the weight of the goal is evenly distributed. Marketing has to market more effectively. Sales have to sell better. Facilities need to support employees. Across departments, a lot of different teams and people play a part. 

With a goal like implementing a digital conference room booking system, there are only a few factors, because the focus is narrower. It’s a facility-specific goal, so it might only mostly involve the IT department. 

But in both examples, and in fact, with all goals, the facilities matter, and it’s up to the facility manager to ensure facility management plays a part in all strategic initiatives, regardless of scale. 

Facility goals that tie into company-wide objectives 

Broad goals are connected to the entire company, including: 

  • Top or bottom-line growth 
  • Branding and culture initiatives 
  • Product or service developments 

These goals touch every segment of the business in some form or another, which means they also involve the facilities. 

When it comes to broad goals, the objectives for facilities management tend to be passive. The workplace serves a supporting role — the foundation for all contributors to the goal. It’s about preventing burnout and promoting comfort at work. Ensuring employees have the right workspaces and amenities to do their best work. Streamlining daily operations to conserve time, money, and effort. Bringing this stability to the workplace provides sound backing for company-wide success.  

For example, that could cover keeping the offices safe with visitor management. Or keeping the employee experience positive with seamless desk booking. And keeping the workspace cool in the summer and warm in the winter with dependable HVAC. 

Facility goals with an employee focus

Because employees directly interact with their workplace, intermediary goals generally involve facilities to a greater degree. One affects the other. Rearranging the stack plan or moving to a new building. Hiring, promoting, or parting with talent. Installing new workplace processes or practices. To see these objectives succeed, facility managers need to draw a line that connects facilities and people in a positive way. For the last few years, though, the line of connection between employees and workplaces has been increasingly challenging to draw.  

Straight lines are out, and there’s a lot of looping back and forth with the increase in remote workers and the rise of the hybrid office. In the past, you had a steady number of people coming into the office five days a week. Now, you might only have surges on certain days, leaving a lot of the space empty when employees work from home. The new trend is for most to stay away Mondays and Fridays, with a build-up that starts Tuesday, peaks Wednesday, and then starts to 必利勁
fall on Thursday. And it’s not people coming in to sit at their desks and work alone. Employees are coming in for face-to-face meetings, driving up demand for larger spaces in the middle of the week.

In most cases, facility managers need to consider employee interaction with the workplace and how facilities support employees. How can workplace changes improve productivity? Enable better collaboration? Reduce friction? It can be everything from implementing room booking software to making sure there are extra snacks in the break room mid-week. Changes may be significant, but they’re also purposeful. If you’re rearranging three departments over four floors, the outcome needs to achieve a specific goal that benefits employees in a meaningful way. 

Facility objectives for smaller, more targeted initiatives 

The narrower goals of FM support the facilities themselves. Employees may benefit and reaching these goals might contribute to broader business success, but the driving factor is facility-specific improvement.  

Some of the facility goals are more project-based while others are part of long-term efforts. So, you might have a project to: 

In all these cases, there’s a set start and end date, with a clear objective. If you’re improving an area by adding better blinds so people can see their screens without worrying about the midday sun, you have one specific date for the installation. After that, you can move on to the next project.     

But for long-term, ongoing efforts, you could look at reducing energy expenditures or tracking and improving on maintenance technician goals, for example: 

  • Maintenance backlog times 
  • Number of work orders closed 
  • Equipment costs 
  • Equipment downtime 
  • Preventive maintenance efficiency  

For both project and ongoing goals, you can think of them as facility-focused, mainly or in large part the responsibility of facility managers. Consider them a reinvestment in facilities that support the intermediary and broad goals listed above. Their focus is specific, but the outcome is likely to be far-reaching, even if it’s a bit harder to see. When you have less equipment downtime, even on something as small and simple as the break room coffee machine, employees don’t waste time standing around. They’re fully caffeinated and back on task quickly.    

Always factor in facilities

Facilities have gone from a line item on the balance sheet to a key instrument for goal-setting and objective planning. Facility managers aren’t just masters of space planning and allocation they’re contributors to growth and optimization strategies. These strategies take place at every operational level from mission-critical goals to everyday workplace improvements. Wherever it’s involved and it’s always involved the workplace is a critical part of overall success. 

Article reposted from

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus- related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.