Strategic Financial Analysis

Provide a unified, correlated view of real estate, infrastructure and facilities assets and costs so they are optimally aligned to support an organization’s mission.


  • Provide a common operating picture to view capital and operating expenses for the portfolio
  • Evaluate the mix of leased and owned properties relative to space vacancy/occupancy/availability for specific buildings, campus/site, cities, regions or for the entire portfolio
  • Optimize the total cost of ownership, total cost of occupancy and lifecycle for real estate, infrastructure and facility assets
  • Compare benchmarks and monitor performance trends for assets including structures, properties, buildings, and equipment
  • Bridge and fill the gaps between finance, HR, and IT and traditional ERP systems

Analysis delivers comprehensive integration of business information to deliver deep insights into that third of an organization’s balance sheet comprising fixed assets. ARCHIBUS connects all costs to specific business units and all assets to their intended purpose. By capturing the capital investments, operating costs, and total cost of ownership for a wide range of assets—and by monitoring the interrelated processes that manage them—ARCHIBUS Strategic Financial Analysis quickly gives professionals the validated, relevant, and trusted data they need to make finance and operations decisions.

Advanced Portfolio Forecasting

Project costs and simplify portfolio planning and forecasting to support multifaceted strategic space planning requirements


  • Align multiyear strategic portfolio plan with overall business plan objectives
  • Project costs for advanced portfolio forecasting of space requirements
  • Optimize the strategic space plan at all levels—from the portfolio, city, site/campus, to the building and room levels
  • Plan short-, medium-, and long-term “what-if” scenarios for organizations of all sizes
  • Enable key stakeholders to envision and optimize requirements using detailed event-driven
  • scenarios including space configuration/allocation, leased/owned properties, and projects

Get a top-down view of your portfolio and proposed scenarios with the Space & Portfolio Planning Console. Access all owned and leased space details, floor plans, headcounts, comparative costs, and utilization. Use the Business Events tab (not shown here) to see how your figures change as you acquire, allocate, and dispose of space in each time frame.

Real estate and portfolio planning professionals find it challenging to simplify the complex portfolio planning process, analyze proposed plans, and coordinate the intensive multidimensional review of those plans by stakeholders and senior leadership. ARCHIBUS Advanced Portfolio Forecasting provides the capabilities needed for assessing baseline conditions, forecasting need, proposing alternative planning scenarios, and evaluating complex tradeoffs over the short-, medium-, and longterm portfolio planning periods. These tools are especially critical for enterprise-scale initiatives that include expanding or reducing lines of business, and other activities that have enterprise-wide financial ramifications from a portfolio perspective.

Portfolio Management

Improve the analysis and management of real estate assets to align the portfolio with the organizational mission


  • Improves asset stewardship through comprehensive tracking and analysis of portfolio holdings
  • Provides multiple perspectives on portfolio performance to enable rapid, fact-based decisions
  • Enhances root cause analysis to sustain appropriate service levels
  • Reduces administrative costs through quick and intuitive data entry

The Portfolio Manager offers multi-view capabilities for switching between Land, Structures and Buildings portfolio analyses, incorporates graphical and GIS information, and delivers consolidated capital transaction data using the view

A centralized repository of accurate, easily accessible information is the foundation for strategically managing a real estate portfolio. Web-based ARCHIBUS Portfolio Management helps streamline data collection and analysis by accurately aggregating individual portfolio items to create a consolidated portfolio view. The application tracks current and projected holdings, leased versus owned space, building cost performance data, and more, to enable insightful planning and execution. Drill-down capabilities, graphical and geographic dashboards, KPI charting, and personalized views also help users visualize and analyze data to make fact-based decisions on the portfolio’s ability to fulfill the organizational mission.

Lease Administration

Centralize and automate lease administration processes to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and avoid penalties


  • Automates processes for lease tracking and management
  • Improves access of lease information to facilitate easy analysis and reporting
  • Streamlines tracking of landlord and tenant responsibilities to avoid unnecessary charges
  • Minimizes errors and speeds data entry through intuitive prompts, reducing administrative costs

Proactively track leases and options through alerts, drill through a personalized hierarchy to find the lease you need to manage, and review lease specifics through tabbed views and geospatial queries

Organizations with extensive lease portfolios are faced with the daunting task of tracking numerous leases with varying expiration dates and equally variable terms of tenancy. Relying on manual processes to track and manage these leases can result in errors based on inaccessible or inaccurate information, missed renewal dates, internal customer frustration, and possible monetary penalties. Web-based ARCHIBUS Lease Administration provides a centralized repository, flexible dashboards, automated alerts, and more. Deploying the application will help streamline data entry, automate lease information-gathering and management, and improve analytic capabilities, all while providing a high service level at reduced cost.

Cost Administration

Centralize and streamline the processes of defining, allocating, and approving portfolio occupancy costs


  • Complies with current changes to FASB 13, FAS 13 and FAS 13 GAAP requirements
  • Improves portfolio occupancy cost management and decision-making with advanced cost analysis/projection capabilities
  • Provides visibility to help align occupancy cost structure with organizational mission
  • Decreases frequency and expense of errors with streamlined processes that track all portfolio lifecycle costs
  • Reduces administrative overhead by eliminating manual processes
  • Supports multi-currency and value added tax (VAT) costs

Increase budgeting accuracy with cash flow reports that generate cost projections for leases, buildings, properties, and accounts

Accurately tracking and managing an organization’s occupancy costs is a competitive advantage…and an organizational challenge, without a centralized repository and the right analytical tools. ARCHIBUS Cost Administration provides proactive real estate managers and lease administrators with a Web-based solution that centralizes and streamlines the definition, allocation, and approval of portfolio occupancy costs. It can reduce administrative overhead and improve decisionmaking. The application also features an intuitive Wizard that tracks lifecycle costs at the invoice- or summary-level until final cost allocations are issued, as well as sophisticated filtering for multidimensional cost analysis, and more.

Cost Chargeback & Invoicing

Improve the process of charging back costs, issuing invoices, and tracking receivables to reduce administrative expense


  • Increases transparency of costs to improve real estate portfolio decision-making
  • Improves operational efficiency through simplified chargeback/invoice/payment processing
  • Decreases administrative errors with automated chargeback calculations and invoice/payment monitoring
  • Streamlines chargeback and invoicing processes through intuitive Wizard-based interfaces

View details for any invoice in one location that includes due dates, terms, contacts, associated costs, payments, and more

Increasing efficiency and reducing errors in performing chargebacks and executing invoicing/receivables processes is essential for reducing the administrative cost of managing properties. Now both goals can be achieved with the ARCHIBUS Cost Chargeback & Invoicing application. This Web-based solution’s sophisticated Wizards enable lease administrators and portfolio managers to automate all real estate-related accounting functions. The Chargeback Wizard provides users with an intuitive tool for flexible cost allocation to internal cost centers and/or external tenants, while the Invoicing/Receivables Wizard enables accurate, automated billing and payment processes for enhanced account management.

Capital Budgeting

Master the capital budget cycle to achieve improved, centralized strategic planning across the organization


  • Summarizes all capital planning activity in a consistent format to prioritize programs and projects, coordinate activities, and budget resources
  • Develops a centralized methodology to efficiently manage capital projects across multiple departments and sites
  • Enables “what-if” planning to reduce business interruption and cost overruns
  • Integrates condition assessment, capital budgeting, and project management functions to better allocate budget and resources for complete end-to-end planning

Easily generate a visual representation of planned budgets by spending category to help justify capital requests

Access to defensible capital budgeting information reduces the risk of undertaking expensive, time-consuming projects that ultimately fail due to inadequate resources. The ARCHIBUS Capital Budgeting application provides a method for tracking the capital budget cycle from request and evaluation, through approval and funding. With this information in a single, centralized location, users can execute master planning, expansion, modernization, and consolidation projects in an organized, cost-effective manner.

Project Management

Manage projects, from an owner’s perspective, so they remain on-schedule and within budget


  • Creates a central repository for a “Top-Down” perspective of program and project priorities, actions, and costs
  • Facilitates a collaborative process to allow project members to synchronize information at different locations or organizational units
  • Provides clear, weighted performance scorecard views of multiple programs and/or projects to identify late or over-budget components at a glance
  • Streamlines project oversight via consolidated views displaying milestones, tasks, and status changes to all project members
  • Reduces administrative burden by leveraging existing data

View project schedules with quality control dashboard. View commitment progress status report to track project completion by work packages, monthly projections, change orders, and invoices (recorded and approved)

Ushering a successful project to its completion—whether it is a renovation, acquisition, construction, or move project—requires a well-organized repository of project data and workflow practices. ARCHIBUS Project Management gives project team members workflow access to a central storehouse of information that keeps all participants aligned with master planning goals. This helps ensure that projects remain on-schedule and within budget, while providing valuable benchmarking data for future projects.

Condition Assessment

Track and effectively manage deferred maintenance liabilities to mitigate risk and enable a closed loop process in taking corrective actions


  • Mitigates risk by prioritizing problems for correction, based on objective measures and organizational needs
  • Enables proactive identification of deficiencies to extend asset service life
  • Demonstrates how costs are associated with corrective measures to justify budgets
  • Reduces administrative cost by establishing a closed loop assessment and resolution process costs

Track conditions in the field, identify high-priority items at a glance, and drill down to detailed information for taking immediate corrective action

Could you justify increased deferred maintenance and capital renewal spending based on static, and possibly outdated information? Web-based ARCHIBUS Condition Assessment provides an objective, dynamic process for evaluating physical assets to help substantiate corrective action, based on risk mitigation and operational priorities. Using Condition Assessment’s accurate, timely repository can help increase asset service life, minimize costly downtime, reduce administrative expense, and streamline capital planning and budgeting processes. Successful deployment could deliver improved Facility Condition Indices at a lower total cost of occupancy.


Collect, coordinate and share building information to identify and correct design/build issues prior to occupancy


  • Streamlines the verification process that a facility and its systems meet the as-designed specifications and owner requirements
  • Provides the mechanism to identify and correct problems early in the design/build process
  • Reduces costs associated with post-occupancy troubleshooting, claims, and corrective work
  • Optimizes downstream building performance by providing the tools to support continuous improvement in energy and operational cost savings

ARCHIBUS Commissioning helps ensure smooth deployment of complex building systems and maintenance practices, resulting in fewer start-up issues and maintenance errors/omissions

Building owners are often hindered by the lack of effective and efficient communication during the design, construction and commissioning stages, resulting in unnecessary costs and operational inefficiencies. The ARCHIBUS Commissioning application helps solve this problem by capturing and coordinating graphic and non-graphic data – including Building Information Modeling (BIM), as-builts, shop drawings, maintenance manuals, space, and equipment information – in one central repository. The application makes all data elements searchable and accessible for viewing using a Web browser or a mobile device. And the application correlates all the information to confirm a facility and its systems meet the as-designed specifications. ARCHIBUS Commissioning also helps lower the costs associated with claims and corrective actions, as well as optimize downstream building system performance.

Strategic Space Planning

Simplify strategic space planning and forecasting to support multifaceted space planning requirements


  • Optimize space planning and forecasting at all levels—from the portfolio, city, site/campus, to the building and room levels
  • Plan short-, medium-, and long-term “what-if” scenarios for organizations of all sizes
  • Simplify strategic space planning, leveraging existing space inventory and use information
  • Ensure that key stakeholders envision and optimize requirements with detailed event-driven
  • scenarios, including space configuration/allocation, leased/owned properties, and projects

Plan what-if scenarios of future space requirements for multiple building locations

Real estate, infrastructure and facilities professionals and teams require the ability to integrate and adjust existing space plans that align with the strategic space plan. They also define specific implementation plan requirements such as real estate transactions and renovation tasks, need to discuss affinities and moves with stakeholders, and flow results to projects, moves, and space inventory. The ARCHIBUS Strategic Space Planning application reduces the effort needed to accomplish these goals by integrating key stakeholders’ information in a single, central enterprise information model.

Space Inventory & Performance

Evaluate and plan space usage to maximize efficiency and decrease total occupancy costs


  • Delivers flexible, self-service reporting for effective space allocation and cost control
  • Improves evaluation of building performance and enables accurate benchmarking
  • Enhances design/planning capabilities to use space more efficiently
  • Helps achieve business results with ARCHIBUS Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How To” instructions
  • Increases productivity with ARCHIBUS All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of tasks

Use the single view, easy to use space console or mobile interface to manage space assignments to departments and employees, plan for future space needs, and report on portfolio-wide space utilization

Knowing how much space an entity has, and how efficiently it is being used, is essential for managing the organization’s Total Cost of Occupancy. To expedite self-service access to space inventory and usage reports for decision support, ARCHIBUS Space Inventory & Performance provides an integrated Webbased solution for viewing and managing an organization’s different types of space (such as departmental boundaries/rooms/common areas, vertical penetrations, service areas, and more) to ensure optimal space allocation. With this application, managers can plan for greater space efficiency by co-locating departments and identifying opportunities for consolidation.

Mobile App

Personnel & Occupancy

Optimize space occupancy rates and improve planning capability to accommodate future expansion, consolidation, or re-balancing


    • Provides immediate, accurate reporting of occupancy statistics for space usage and re-balancing purposes
    • Improves forecasting accuracy for future needs based on current room availability and planned occupancy growth
    • Simplifies assignment of employees to temporary or permanent available space using highlighted drawings
  • Communicates occupancy information easily through personalized, intuitive Web-based forms, summary tables, and reports
  • Helps achieve business results with ARCHIBUS Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How To” instructions
  • Increases productivity with ARCHIBUS All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of most common tasks

Use the Space Console to assign personnel to rooms, identify opportunities for employee colocation, or search for both available space and individual occupants or teams

Immediate access to accurate personnel and occupancy information can often be a challenge to organizations, especially to those who experience high churn rates or are in the process of expanding or consolidating operations. ARCHIBUS Personnel & Occupancy provides managers with a Web-based means to retrieve the information they need from a central repository and link employee information with related space inventories, drawings, planning strategies, and more. The result is improved reporting on employee headcounts and locations, average room areas, room availability, space benchmarking, occupancy rates, and other vital knowledge needed to effectively manage an organization’s total cost of occupancy.

Space Chargeback

Streamline the chargeback process to increase space accountability and reduce occupancy costs


  • Improves accuracy of departmental cost reporting for greater accountability on dedicated and common area space costs
  • Assures more accurate planning based on current space costs and planned future growth projections that improve critical decisions on consolidations, moves, and acquisitions
  • Satisfies flexible reporting needs with easy-to-use Web-based features and forms to modify out-of the-box reports

Easily locate a variety of space types charged to individual departments, and use detailed chargeback reports to promote departmental accountability

When department managers are internally billed for their use of space, they are more apt to reduce inefficient space usage. That inefficient use of space, when eliminated across multiple departments, can produce not only significant reductions in the space itself, but also in the associated occupancy costs such as utilities, housekeeping, taxes, and more. Web-based ARCHIBUS Space Chargeback provides tools for setting up, calculating, and reporting on the costs for space. The result is improved space efficiency and reduced occupancy costs throughout the entire organization as well as distributed sharing of space information that supports more informed long-term planning and decisionmaking.

Strategic Master Planning

Align facilities and infrastructure development with plans by evaluating historical use and forecasting future needs


  • Assists in developing facility and infrastructure plans of various time frames to best align with organizational needs
  • Avoids tying up valuable capital by accurately forecasting costs based on historic information
  • Maximizes operational efficiencies by mapping departmental affinities
  • Keeps costs under control by seamlessly transitioning strategic program information to space planners

Organizations typically are in a constant state of flux because of expansion, downsizing, merger, or acquisition activity. The ARCHIBUS Strategic Master Planning application helps organizations better align facilities and infrastructure development with organizational changes through sophisticated analysis of historical space data and other information. Now it’s easy to develop short-, medium-, or long-term facility and infrastructure plans —and cost estimates—while maximizing operational efficiencies. ARCHIBUS Strategic Master Planning allows you to easily evaluate and manage the inevitable change that all organizations face.

Enterprise Move Management

Streamline the entire move/add/change process, from single-person to multi-phased moves, to reduce costs and minimize organizational disruption


  • Streamlines the entire move process, including requests, approvals, updates, and related action items to reduce overall costs and optimize churn rates
  • Increases customer satisfaction by reducing downtime and minimizing move errors
  • Improves communication, coordination, and collaboration between in-house and external resources with rules-based workflow processes
  • Generates trial layouts, move analytics, and intelligent dashboards which help enable continuous process improvement
  • Integrates rapidly with existing Human Resources and Financial systems enabling the timely distribution of updated personnel and cost center information

Plan, assign, and schedule all occupant and equipment moves using easy to use graphical floor plans on desktop or mobile devices

From simple, single-person moves to multi-phased moves integrated with construction, ARCHIBUS Enterprise Move Management streamlines the move/add/change process to ensure successful relocations with minimal organizational disruption. The application reduces the complexity, risk, time, cost, and downtime associated with moves by organizing all move orders and associated information into a central repository. With easy Web access to views displaying tasks, status changes, and milestones, move project participants can collaborate effectively to reduce duplicate effort and minimize move costs.

Mobile App

Enterprise Asset Management

Integrate strategic real estate planning, capital planning, portfolio project management, finance and operations information to align all assets to an organization’s objectives


    • Improve return on assets by providing a common operating picture that enables key strategic and
      operations stakeholders to align all assets to an organization’s objectives
    • Plan what-if scenarios to optimize enterprise asset investments
    • Centralize enterprise asset management with easy integration to other ERP systems
    • Engage asset management teams to accomplish their goals with coordinated end-to-end resourcing
    • Optimize capital and other asset investments through integrated lifecycle management for planning, acquisition, utilization, repurposing, and decommissioning/disposal
    • Enable staff to quickly inventory assets with mobile apps

Asset managers must ensure that their total capital and other asset investments provide the coordinated, end-to-end resources needed to support an organization’s immediate and longterm mission. With purpose-built interfaces for professionals in planning, finance, real estate, facilities, IT, maintenance—and with mobile apps for field personnel and the shipping/receiving area—ARCHIBUS Enterprise Asset Management streamlines asset management by providing a 360-degree view of every asset’s ownership, value, location, use, lifecycle status, and condition. This holistic view enables asset managers to make strategic datadriven decisions for the whole enterprise that are reflected in day-to-day operations.

Asset Management

Optimize the use of all assets throughout their full operational lifecycle, from acceptance through operational use, repurposing and disposal


  • Optimize capital and other asset investments through integrated lifecycle management of asset acquisition, utilization, repurposing, and decommissioning/disposal
  • Improve the use of every asset with centralized lifecycle management and tracking
  • Reduce excess asset inventory with a clear understanding of actual needs
  • Enable better decisions in asset repurposing/replacement choices to avoid unnecessary expenditures
  • Facilitate the decommissioning and/or disposal processes of capital equipment and other assets

Enable staff to quickly inventory assets with Mobile apps

Asset managers need to provide effective stewardship of assets throughout the full operational lifecycle—from acceptance through operational use, repurposing, and disposal. ARCHIBUS Asset Management provides an integrated view of all assets, including properties, buildings, land, structures, equipment and furniture. Asset Management mobile apps provide pointof-activity interfaces for asset acceptance and field surveys, and Web-based consoles provide transparency into key asset lifecycle data to optimize tactical asset management decisions. These integrated capabilities speed day-to-day decision-making for real estate, infrastructure and facilities operations.

Asset Portal

Track and manage physical assets to improve data accuracy, increase asset utilization, and optimize acquisition or disposition decisions.


  • Delivers improved furniture and equipment utilization rates, which can reduce capital expenditures by as much as 10% annually
  • Tracks and manages asset ownership and usage to increase organizational accountability and promote redeployment opportunities
  • Ensures compliance with financial accounting requirements and/or regulatory mandates
  • Establishes a coherent process for integrating asset planning, acquisition, tracking, disposal and investment recovery
  • Maintains an accurate inventory of network infrastructure to facilitate improved planning and a high level of internal customer support

Asset Portal provides the means to improve data accuracy of the asset registry, increase asset utilization, and optimize asset acquisition and disposal decisions within an overall capital plan

Increasing asset utilization and optimizing acquisition and/or disposition practices are essential to increasing organizational efficiency and achieving superior financial results. ARCHIBUS Asset Portal provides the means to improve data accuracy of the asset registry, increase asset utilization, and optimize asset acquisition and disposal decisions within an overall capital plan. Asset Portal’s capabilities go beyond a merely financial focus and can also trace assets to the entity that is responsible for the asset, the cost center or department that depends on the asset, and/or the physical location where the asset resides. This helps increase organizational accountability and facilitate asset redeployment, when appropriate.

Mobile App

Furniture & Equipment Management

Monitor and control physical asset cost and utilization to increase organizational accountability


  • Manages asset ownership and usage to increase organizational accountability and reduce costs
  • Reduces the need for write-offs by tracking the location and depreciation of assets
  • Facilitates trial layouts for analyzing various move options before executing them
  • Executes simple moves, adds, and changes to maximize/minimize disruption and sustain productivity
  • Analyzes the financial impact of furniture and equipment inventories

Effectively managing physical assets, such as furniture and equipment, is vital to maintaining the financial health of an organization. Yet trying to track the changeover of assets and staff while keeping an eye on costs can often seem overwhelming. The ARCHIBUS Furniture & Equipment Management application is an AutoCAD®-based solution that helps you manage those assets cost-effectively and design more productive work environments. This application also helps minimize costs and maximize productivity in the planning and execution of individual or small group moves, adds, and changes. Organizations encountering large group moves or complex move/add/change processes can also implement the Web-based ARCHIBUS Enterprise Move Management application.

Telecommunications & Cable Management

Manage every aspect of your network infrastructure to facilitate planning, improve asset management, and enhance customer service


  • Shortens the planning process by maintaining a well-documented physical network and simplifies trouble-shooting tasks
  • Extends the lifecycles of telecommunications and data assets by facilitating reassignment of surplus items
  • Coordinates information and resources among responsible departments to ensure employees get network access quickly
  • Manages telecom inventory from the Web or intranet to facilitate organizational efficiency

With the rapid pace of technological change and adoption, it is critical that updates to your network are accurately reflected to facilitate planning, improve inventory control, and enhance network up-time. With the ARCHIBUS Telecommunications & Cable Management application, you can manage the network’s system capacity information, the location of system connections, maintenance histories, upgrades, and much more. This indispensable solution does everything from simplifying trouble-shooting to eliminating communication discontinuities during the move/add/change process so you gain more control over your network instead of letting it control you.

Environmental Sustainability Assessment

Measure performance indicators and mitigate risk to reduce an organization’s carbon footprint and achieve other environmental goals


  • Establishes proactive sustainability processes that can improve operational efficiencies, enhance stakeholder work environments, and boost asset value
  • Identifies which assets should be repaired, renovated or replaced to achieve environmental efficiency goals or support an existing LEED™ or BREEAM® rating program
  • Improves capital budgeting and planning capabilities by tracking costs and budgets associated with environmental deficiencies
  • Increases efficiency of sustainability efforts by integrating assessment with work order management and by using a unified data repository

The Assessment Scoreboard provides users with a graphical approach to evaluate high-priority environmental sustainability items objectively and then drill down for more detailed information on individual items

An increasing number of organizations are recognizing the strategic value of reducing their carbon footprint to protect the environment and enhance their bottom line. Web-based ARCHIBUS Environmental Sustainability Assessment helps make the concept of environmental sustainability a reality by tracking, ranking, and documenting details on the condition and use of physical assets so remedial action can be taken. Unlike spreadsheets and other manual processes, the application provides a truly objective and systematic method of identifying and prioritizing facility replacements, upgrades, and renovations, based on environmental sustainability criteria while leveraging other ARCHIBUS facilities data from its central repository.

Energy Management

Track and manage energy use to control costs, reduce carbon footprint, and mitigate risk


  • Lowers annual energy costs, typically by 5% (or approximately $0.10 – 0.20 USD per square foot of space/year) and reduces carbon footprint
  • Provides audit capabilities to easily access, aggregate, and evaluate consumption patterns as the basis to renegotiate rates and consolidate energy providers
  • Reduces business risk and exposure to changes in energy costs or carbon emissions regulation through “what-if” analyses
  • Improves decision-making by aligning energy spending to organizational priorities

Graphical dashboard views, such as Utility Cost with Consumption (by building and billing period) shown above, simplifies visualization and analysis while improving decision support for energy management strategies

With increasing utility costs, mandates to reduce carbon emissions, and sustainability efforts gaining more visibility, effective energy management has become even more important for organizations. ARCHIBUS Energy Management provides the means to easily aggregate, evaluate, and optimize energy and utility spending decisions to reduce unnecessary consumption and costs. Unlike spreadsheets or finance software alone, Energy Management helps users correlate and manage extensive cost data with real-time facility and infrastructure portfolio information to track energy expenditures against a business plan or objective benchmarks.

Green Building

Achieve carbon footprint and environmental sustainability certification goals for individual buildings or across an entire portfolio


  • Delivers an information framework to help reduce overall carbon footprint
  • Facilitates compliance with internal or external reporting requirements
  • Streamlines the computation and comparison of greenhouse gas emissions for all buildings in a portfolio and tracks changes over time
  • Tracks progress, evaluates payback, and identifies best practices to simplify sustainability certification and requalification initiatives

Compare emissions by building, scope, and year at a glance and drill down to emission scope detail to identify key drivers and areas for improvement

Managers are increasingly being tasked with achieving carbon footprint goals and managing environmental sustainability certification scores for individual buildings or across their entire portfolio. ARCHIBUS Green Building aids those managers by delivering a highly versatile and robust Web-based platform to provide the information framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and managing the environmental sustainability certification and recertification process. The application helps guide users through the processes of defining environmental criteria and protocols, collecting portfolio data, and evaluating results to help make informed and cost-effective decisions to achieve sustainability goals.

Waste Management

Track and manage waste streams from generation through disposition to minimize health and regulatory risk


  • Simplifies the process for tracking and managing hazardous waste streams to sustain a safe working environment
  • Decreases the risk of fines or litigation surrounding hazardous waste storage and disposal procedures
  • Increases the visibility and improves accountability for waste reduction or recycling initiatives to help reduce carbon footprint and improve LEED or other sustainability scores
  • Reduces the cost and effort of satisfying waste audit and reporting requirements

Emergency Preparedness

Ensure business continuity and expedited recovery in the event of a disaster


  • Provides a proactive emergency operations management posture that can potentially save lives, protect property, and reduce insurance costs
  • Enables quick access of accurate information to make critical life-safety decisions during a disaster
  • Organizes information to implement disaster recovery plans and quickly resume normal operations
  • Assists in expediting insurance claims and negotiating more favorable coverage terms

Emergency Preparedness lets users view systems and zones within floor plans to provide critical safety information to emergency responders

Every year, natural and man-made disasters cause tremendous dislocation and financial loss to organizations. ARCHIBUS Emergency Preparedness allows you to plan for potentially disastrous situations and effectively respond and quickly recover in the event of an actual disaster. It helps provide rapid access to critical facility, infrastructure and occupant information to ensure life safety procedures are followed, property is protected, and disruption to normal operations is minimized. ARCHIBUS Emergency Preparedness can serve as your primary tool for maintaining and providing accurate information to those who need it most in the event of a disaster.

Compliance Management

Manage complex compliance requirements proactively to help mitigate risk, ensure safe work environments, and reduce administrative burdens


  • Ensures a safe, productive work environment by implementing a structured process to comply with regulations, codes, and/or best practices
  • Minimizes the likelihood of regulatory actions including monetary fines and/or costly litigation resulting from inadequate compliance oversight
  • Lowers the overall cost of maintaining a comprehensive, defensible compliance program by reducing administrative time spent on data collection, notifications, and document management
  • Helps reduce the number of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) incidents and insurance premiums associated with them by identifying and correcting compliance gaps

The Compliance Programs Map enables managers to quickly visualize where their highest risk projects are located as well as the regulatory status and priorities

Property and facility professionals are responsible for providing safe, efficient, and productive work environments, yet they can face a bewildering array of codes and regulations with different schedules, costs, and implications for the organization. Unlike spreadsheets or other non-integrated tools, Web-based ARCHIBUS Compliance Management provides a highly scalable solution to easily and efficiently negotiate the substantial data and recordkeeping involved with regulatory compliance programs and permitting processes. This helps reduce administrative costs and prevents costly disruptions such as occupational injuries, property damage, and shutdowns that may result from inadequate compliance practices. ARCHIBUS Compliance Management helps mitigate risk to protect an organization’s reputation and enhance stakeholder value.

Clean Building

Streamline the time-consuming and highly-regulated process of identifying and abating indoor environmental hazards


  • Facilitates a safe working environment for building occupants by reducing potential exposure to hazardous materials
  • Minimizes the potential for expensive litigation and monetary damages resulting from regulatory actions and/or occupational illnesses
  • Averts costly operating shutdowns, loss of facility use, penalties, or fines resulting from hazardous material violations
  • Reduces operational costs for regulatory compliance by streamlining the process of identifying, locating, sampling, documenting, and abating hazardous materials

Quickly identify areas with hazardous conditions using graphical views to streamline sampling and documentation processes in the course of abatement

Successful facility professionals need to actively monitor the potential of indoor environmental hazards, such as asbestos and radon to lead paint and mold. ARCHIBUS Clean Building helps these managers protect the health of building occupants, minimize organizational liability, and avoid costly fines or possible litigation. Unlike spreadsheets or other non-integrated tools, Web-based ARCHIBUS Clean Building provides a flexible and highly systematic process to help ensure all hazardous materials are quickly and accurately located, tracked, and abated using searches that connect directly to graphical views of space and equipment inventories. In addition, Clean Building’s ability to easily share and integrate hazardous materials data with other systems and processes greatly decreases the likelihood of errors/omissions, averts unnecessary shutdowns, and reduces the overall cost of regulatory compliance.

Environmental Health & Safety

Gain control over workplace safety incidents, personal protective equipment (PPE), training, medical monitoring, and work restrictions


  • Provides a proactive process to identify, evaluate, and correct health and safety risks in the workplace
  • Enables the reduction of medical claims, disability compensation, and loss of productivity because of workplace-related injury or illness
  • Delivers efficient tracking and follow-up of health and safety incidents to minimize risk and liability to the organization
  • Reduces the overall cost of administering a comprehensive, defensible health and safety program

ARCHIBUS Environmental Health & Safety provides a structured repository for all relevant data and can display maps or floor plans showing incident locations, with drill-down to view detailed information

Managing a comprehensive, defensible health and safety program to protect both individuals from hazards and the overall organization from liability can be overwhelming. The ARCHIBUS Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) application enables managers to quickly associate incidents with locations, equipment, and personnel and easily link employee training records and/or medical monitoring to these same incidents. As part of a comprehensive Environmental Health & Safety management program, this application is a critical tool to help document evidence of compliance for internal standards or external regulatory requirements. This documentation can greatly minimize both compliance costs, as well as monetary fines to the organization.

Hazardous Materials

Retrieve material safety information quickly to help protect individuals from hazardous chemicals and reduce regulatory compliance costs


  • Minimizes risk of serious injury to building occupants and first responders in the event of an accident
  • Reduces the administrative cost and effort in maintaining an up-to-date Safety Data Sheets (SDS) library
  • Satisfies chemical safety and inventory documentation reporting obligations efficiently
  • Facilitates maintaining and auditing detailed hazard inventory records by location and custodian
  • Enables first responders to quickly and reliably retrieve critical chemical safety information during an emergency

ARCHIBUS SDS lets users identify the type and location of hazards on floor plans for fast and effective response to events involving toxic materials, helping to ensure occupant safety and business continuity

Organizations have a responsibility to safely handle toxic products, verify compliance with various regulations, and inform first responders where those hazardous materials are stored and what they may encounter during an emergency. Yet maintaining this information in binders or file drawers can be expensive to manage, difficult to update, and a challenge to access – especially during a crisis. The Web-based ARCHIBUS Safety Data Sheets (SDS) application provides instant updates and access to SDS information from anywhere, stores lists of chemical products used in workplaces, and catalogs their SDS. It also integrates materials inventories, space and occupancy data, equipment inventories, and organizational information with site- and floor-plan graphics, providing the most complete information to execute a plan of action to avert a crisis.

On Demand Work

Schedule, dispatch, manage, and report maintenance tasks efficiently using self-service capabilities to reduce operational costs and increase customer satisfaction


  • Simplifies the request, dispatch, and feedback processes of maintenance tasks to improve service provision
  • Reduces operating costs through automated workflows and streamlined communication
  • Provides a seamless link to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to enforce standards and increase efficiency
  • Enables improved forecasting of maintenance and capital budgets
  • Helps achieve business results with ARCHIBUS Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How To” instructions
  • Increases productivity with ARCHIBUS All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of most common tasks

Assign, track, and report on work orders through all stages until closure with the help of the Building Operations Console for desktop systems and the mobile interface for handheld devices

Efficiently managing maintenance tasks is vital to keeping your organization’s infrastructure and facilities running smoothly. Stay on track with ARCHIBUS On Demand Work – a Web-based application that automates all the steps of the on demand maintenance process, from requests, to approvals, to scheduling and work order issuance, to completion and feedback. On Demand Work’s self-service functionality helps lower operating costs by enforcing process control and keeping information current, accessible, and actionable. This centralized repository enables improved forecasting and budgeting to optimize operational effectiveness. Raise customer satisfaction levels by empowering requestors and communicating with them at every step of the process with ARCHIBUS On Demand Work.

Mobile App

Preventive Maintenance

Streamline and automate the PM process to proactively maintain critical assets, minimizing downtime and repair expense


  • Streamlines and automates the PM process to improve operational efficiency
  • Minimizes operational equipment downtime and costly repairs
  • Extends useful service life of physical assets resulting in reduced capital outlays
  • Improves planning by capturing metrics on costs, resource usage, service provider workload/performance, equipment maintenance history, and more
  • Delivers cost-efficient, closed loop Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) as part of the integrated, Web-based ARCHIBUS product suite

Easy to follow maintenance charts provide quick visibility into maintenance costs over time, and help detect failure patterns that may require immediate remediation

Ensuring that critical assets are in optimal condition requires effective maintenance processes to efficiently allocate resources, enforce procedures/schedules, and manage performance. Webbased ARCHIBUS Preventive Maintenance (PM) enables users to proactively maintain assets, efficiently balance schedules, optimize resources, and track key metrics. Simplify and improve PM processes with ARCHIBUS Preventive Maintenance to minimize costly repairs, reduce operational downtime, extend asset service lifecycles, and improve planning.

Condition Assessment

Track and effectively manage deferred maintenance liabilities to mitigate risk and enable a closed loop process in taking corrective actions


  • Mitigates risk by prioritizing problems for correction, based on objective measures and organizational needs
  • Enables proactive identification of deficiencies to extend asset service life
  • Demonstrates how costs are associated with corrective measures to justify budgets
  • Reduces administrative cost by establishing a closed loop assessment and resolution process costs

Track conditions in the field, identify high-priority items at a glance, and drill down to detailed information for taking immediate corrective action

Could you justify increased deferred maintenance and capital renewal spending based on static, and possibly outdated information? Web-based ARCHIBUS Condition Assessment provides an objective, dynamic process for evaluating physical assets to help substantiate corrective action, based on risk mitigation and operational priorities. Using Condition Assessment’s accurate, timely repository can help increase asset service life, minimize costly downtime, reduce administrative expense, and streamline capital planning and budgeting processes. Successful deployment could deliver improved Facility Condition Indices at a lower total cost of occupancy.

Call Center Wizard

Streamline work order and help desk processing to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction


  • Streamlines the work order process to reduce administrative costs and improve customer satisfaction
  • Reduces processing time by displaying critical information and filtering out irrelevant data
  • Updates work orders instantly to provide up-to-the-minute status reports
  • Deploys quickly and easily with minimal training while maintaining existing business practices

The Call Center Wizard makes it easy to check on the status of any work request

The fluctuating nature of on demand work or help desk activity makes it difficult for organizations to predict the volume of work requests or plan in advance of needs. Any tool that can help better manage the process will improve help desk productivity and enhance customer service. The ARCHIBUS Call Center Wizard can successfully extend responsibility for work request management processing to everyone in the organization. It streamlines the work order process while supporting existing business practices. Compress processing time to increase customer satisfaction and decrease costs, all with minimal training.


Simplify scheduling and management of shared use space to increase efficiency and optimize utilization from desktop and mobile devices


  • Secures shared space and resources with self-service Web forms, and avoids double bookings
  • Improves productivity by streamlining invitations to participants via integration with most email clients
  • ARCHIBUS Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook™ lets individuals make room reservations within the Outlook client
  • Extension for Microsoft Exchange handles all reservations and updates. Also, changes in Exchange Calendars flow directly to Web Central

ARCHIBUS Reservations guides users through the process of reserving a room, adding resources such as catering and teleconferencing, and inviting colleagues and visitors.

How well an organization manages the time of its most valuable and costly resource – its people – is the measure of a truly effective and collaborative environment. Eliminate embarrassing double-bookings, rooms too large or small for a meeting’s purpose, and misallocation of resources with Web-based ARCHIBUS Reservations. The ARCHIBUS Reservations application provides an intuitive, integrated solution for scheduling shared space and associated amenities. Desktop and mobile reservation options give you control over all details involved in planning, scheduling, and tracking shared space, including easily coordinating internal or external providers of audio-visual, food, or other services. Integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server, Reservations capabilities deliver a seamless user experience by streamlining all aspects of meeting room and participant coordination.

Mobile App

Service Desk

Provide a centralized, self-service portal for common service requests to promote organizational efficiency and reduce administrative costs


  • Streamlines requests for all services through simple forms, intelligent workflows, and automated notification of status changes
  • Reduces administrative overhead and operating costs by enabling a self service environment
  • Increases efficiency by enforcing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to control resource access and standards
  • Improves performance measurement/analysis and elevates customer satisfaction

Manage a variety of service requests through the Workplace Services Portal on mobile devices and desktops, and utilize customized service reports to identify opportunities for improved service delivery.

Is your organization experiencing frequent errors and missed priorities because service requests are not being handled properly? Eliminate the need for dedicated personnel to handle service requests and provide a centralized, self-service portal for common service requests. ARCHIBUS Service Desk is a Web-based application that provides simple, self-service processes for commonly requested services, including moves/adds/changes, room reservations, project management, among many other requests. Service Desk automates the service request cycle through Service Level Agreement (SLA) designations that authorize, prioritize, route, and complete requests. Increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction with ARCHIBUS Service Desk.

Mobile App


Promote space efficiency, reduce carbon footprint, and flexible work arrangements through a shared workspace program


  • Lowers real estate and associated costs by improving space utilization and enabling the disposition of excess inventory
  • Reduces overall carbon emissions and workplace operating costs based on a smaller, more efficient facilities footprint resulting from improved space utilization
  • Provides flexibility to accommodate a mobile workforce and increase employee satisfaction
  • Allows easy implementation of chargebacks to encourage responsible and efficient use of space

With the help of Hoteling, organizations can quickly find and book the required number of rooms for specific time periods and at desired locations, thus optimizing space utilization and fostering productivity for visiting employees, contractors, teleworkers, or temporary project-based teams

At many organizations, office space is frequently underutilized by 50% or more, resulting in a larger than necessary real estate and carbon footprint, along with their associated costs. Webbased ARCHIBUS Hoteling enables organizations to more fully utilize existing space, potentially reduce leased/owned space in their portfolios, as well as decrease carbon emissions and workspace operating costs. It supports temporary allocation of on-site workspace to dynamic project-based teams and makes implementation of increasingly popular telework initiatives possible. Additionally, Hoteling simplifies implementation of shared space chargebacks, which further encourages space efficiency and responsibility for occupancy costs.

Fleet Management

Optimize the utilization and performance of your mobile assets


  • Optimizes fleet utilization and avoids unnecessary capital investment
  • Boosts fleet availability through improved preventive maintenance
  • Lowers operating costs by enabling implementation of experience-based maintenance programs
  • Promotes compliance with fleet policies and operating procedures

Easily manage your maintenance schedules, vehicle availability, and
service parts inventory with detailed reports

Maintaining your organization’s fleet of mobile assets is crucial to the safety and efficiency of your operations. Optimize fleet performance by tracking every vehicle’s usage, availability, maintenance schedules and more with ARCHIBUS Fleet Management. Combining this information with other facilities and infrastructure management data also improves your ability to control costs and assign resources. Fleet Management can be personalized and added to an existing ARCHIBUS deployment or can be implemented separately as a stand-alone solution. It is configured, personalized, and deployed via a client server or Web-based platform based on client-specific needs.

Web Central 3D NavigatorTM

Integrate building models and data for full building and asset lifecycle management from initial design/build to real estate, facility and business operational processes.


  • Provide a common operating picture for design/build, real estate, infrastructure, and facility professionals for full lifecycle management of building assets
  • Connect multiple building models and data to ARCHIBUS to visualize buildings, space, assets and systems
  • Search through the full portfolio of CAD plans and BIM data to optimize space use, capital investments and asset lifecycle
  • Empower facilities staff with easy access to building information for maintenance, condition assessment, project management, compliance and emergency preparedness
  • Provide a 3D view of your building portfolio for real estate and facilities professionals to plan and optimize real estate, space, workplace, and capital needs

Leverage 3D visualization and analytics for strategic lifecycle management of your organization’s physical assets

With the ARCHIBUS Web Central 3D Navigator™, building information models and data are incorporated directly into the larger ARCHIBUS Enterprise Information Model (EIM™) for a holistic lifecycle view of design/build, operations and strategic planning for the entire asset portfolio. Users can leverage 3D visualization, analytics and enterprise data for strategic planning and management of capital assets over their lifecycle processes, including: design/build, commissioning, operations, space utilization, and capital project planning. By using the ARCHIBUS Web Central 3D Navigator, professionals from engineering to operations and business can intuitively collaborate on a common operating picture of their organization’s buildings and properties.

Smart Client Extension for Revit

Integrate facilities and infrastructure data with BIM models over the Web for comprehensive building lifecycle management and reporting


  • Provides an intuitive, graphical bi-directional link to Revit using Web Services, enabling an easy, incremental approach in transitioning to BIM technology
  • Supports all facility management elements in BIM models
  • Puts BIM data to work immediately for building operations-related processes
  • Connects seamlessly to ARCHIBUS applications for increased productivity and data accuracy

Use the bi-directional synch feature to incorporate database-driven business information, such as space allocation by department, from ARCHIBUS within your Revit model

uilding Information Modeling (BIM) has enabled a richly detailed and collaborative approach to the way buildings are designed and constructed. What it lacks, however, is a way to easily scale to the portfolio-level and connect with business data. ARCHIBUS Smart Client Extension for Revit addresses that need with a true BIM 4.0 application designed from a facility manager’s perspective. It provides quick access to Revit graphics and COBie information using Web Services to connect Revit models to ARCHIBUS enterprise data. This gives users a 4-dimensional view of an organization and its processes. In addition, the Smart Client Extension implements rules and workflows that coordinate the bi-directional data exchange and updates the BIM model itself, to keep everything in-synch.

Geospatial Extensions for ESRI®

Link facility and infrastructure data with the intuitive power of geospatial technology to make informed decisions


  • Improves organizational collaboration and decision-making by providing geospatial business intelligence for sites, space, infrastructure, and physical assets
  • Combines real estate, facility, and infrastructure with geospatial information to provide visual representations that improve analysis for competitive advantage
  • Allows both interior and exterior data to be queried simultaneously to visualize an organization’s assets and streamline enterprise workflow processes, enabling business transformation
  • Leverages ESRI’s pre-eminent expertise in aggregating mapping and geospatial information quickly and at low cost

Incorporate a geospatial perspective directly within your ARCHIBUS Web Central dashboards to unlock the power of geospatial visualization for improved analysis, reporting, and decision-making

Many leading organizations recognize Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) as an essential information tool to address extended markets, aging infrastructure, shifting demographics, and compressed cycle times. The knowledge gained from GIS allows organizations to make better decisions, saving time and resources. You can now use powerful geospatial capabilities to illuminate your existing real estate, facility and infrastructure information through the ARCHIBUS Geospatial Extensions for ESRI. This integration will provide you an even more powerful multi-layered perspective of critical organizational initiatives.

Mobile Framework

Accelerate service delivery with secure, real-time access to ARCHIBUS data from smart phones and tablets

  • Gives immediate access to graphical and non-graphical reports, forms, and views — anytime, anywhere – after initially connecting to a Wi-Fi, Internet, or cellular network
  • Lowers the overall cost of providing a two-way exchange of information to/from a centralized repository to mobile-enabled personnel
  • Supports hybrid mobile deployments, with an open-standard development environment for easy enhancement
  • Supports semi-connected native mobile apps to ensure work continuity and productivity even when there is no connection available

ARCHIBUS Mobile Framework Apps provide instant access to workflows and accelerated responsiveness to customer needs

Better service delivery increasingly means faster and more accurate service delivery, a goal now made practical through implementation of the latest mobile technology. Included in Web Central V.21.2, the ARCHIBUS Mobile Framework delivers a new breed of secure, easily configurable, and customer-responsive apps, providing accurate facilities information when and where it is needed. ARCHIBUS creates mobile apps once which will run on a variety of late model, high-end mobile devices. And, new technology makes your data — including photos, campus plans, and floor plans — interactive, so that any authorized user can quickly locate spaces, people, assets, and tasks.

Performance Metrics Framework

Delivers KPIs, trends, and other performance data about your real estate, infrastructure and facilities operations and their finances


  • Obtain a balanced-scorecard view of portfolio health and align it with organizational strategy
  • Gain a comprehensive overview of facility processes with drill-downs
  • Manage leased and owned space more cost-effectively with intelligent analytics
  • Lower operational costs and improve return on net assets and cash flow with facility performance metrics

ARCHIBUS Performance Metrics pro­vides detailed graphical views of real estate and facilities management performance statistics and leverages drill-downs, alerts and other aids

Effective portfolio and operations management is a challenge without accurate metrics to guide decision-making. The ARCHIBUS Performance Metrics Framework is part of the ARCHIBUS business intelligence platform that helps owners, tenants and outsourcing service providers quantify real prop­erty portfolio performance from occupancy, operational and financial perspectives. Support and line managers can overview organizational processes at-a-glance and stay in control of real estate transactions, capital projects, and facilities. Using key performance indicators (KPIs), trend summaries, alerts, drill-down capabilities for more detailed analyses, as well as other analytical measures and productivity tools, decision-makers can align their portfolio spend to organizational strategy, spotlight underper­forming business units or assets, and benchmark organizational progress to achieve targeted goals.


Simplify scheduling and management of shared use space to increase efficiency and optimize utilization from desktop and mobile devices


  • Secures shared space and resources with self-service Web forms, and avoids double bookings
  • Improves productivity by streamlining invitations to participants via integration with most email clients
  • ARCHIBUS Reservations Plugin for Microsoft Outlook™ lets individuals make room reservations within the Outlook client
  • Extension for Microsoft Exchange handles all reservations and updates. Also, changes in Exchange Calendars flow directly to Web Central

ARCHIBUS Reservations guides users through the process of reserving a room, adding resources such as catering and teleconferencing, and inviting colleagues and visitors.

How well an organization manages the time of its most valuable and costly resource – its people – is the measure of a truly effective and collaborative environment. Eliminate embarrassing double-bookings, rooms too large or small for a meeting’s purpose, and misallocation of resources with Web-based ARCHIBUS Reservations. The ARCHIBUS Reservations application provides an intuitive, integrated solution for scheduling shared space and associated amenities. Desktop and mobile reservation options give you control over all details involved in planning, scheduling, and tracking shared space, including easily coordinating internal or external providers of audio-visual, food, or other services. Integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server, Reservations capabilities deliver a seamless user experience by streamlining all aspects of meeting room and participant coordination.

Mobile App