Cost-Saving Strategies with ARCHIBUS: Enhance Efficiency and Reduce Operational Costs

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and reduce operational costs. Archibus, a leading integrated workplace management system (IWMS), offers robust tools that can help businesses achieve these goals through improved facility management and operational efficiency. Here’s how Archibus can be leveraged to cut costs and enhance organizational performance.

1. Optimized Space Utilization

One of the most significant expenses for any organization is real estate. Archibus provides comprehensive space management solutions that help businesses use their office space more efficiently. By analyzing usage data, Archibus can identify underutilized areas, allowing companies to consolidate space and reduce the amount of leased or owned property. This not only cuts down on rental costs but also reduces utility and maintenance expenses associated with larger spaces.

2. Strategic Asset Management

Maintaining assets can be costly, especially without a strategic plan in place. Archibus helps organizations manage their physical assets more effectively by tracking their lifecycle from acquisition to disposal. With detailed insights into asset conditions and performance, companies can schedule preventive maintenance to avoid costly repairs and extend asset longevity. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and reduces expenditure on new equipment.

Archibus Metrics

3. Energy Management

Energy consumption is another area where Archibus excels to reduce operational costs. The software includes tools for monitoring and managing energy use across all facilities. By identifying patterns and areas of high energy usage, Archibus enables organizations to implement energy-saving measures, such as optimizing HVAC systems or shifting to energy-efficient lighting. These changes not only lower energy bills but also contribute to sustainability goals.

4. Automated Workflows and Processes

Manual processes are often time-consuming and prone to errors. Archibus automates key workflows related to facility management, such as work order processing, lease administration, and compliance reporting. Automation speeds up operations, reduces labor costs, and improves accuracy, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks that add value to the business.

5. Compliance and Risk Management

Failing to comply with regulations can result in hefty fines and reputational damage. Archibus helps ensure that organizations meet all relevant compliance requirements related to facility management and safety. The system can alert managers about upcoming inspections or necessary certifications, significantly reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated costs.

6. Enhanced Decision Making

Finally, Archibus provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that offer deep insights into every aspect of facility management. With access to real-time data and trends, decision-makers can identify cost-saving opportunities quickly and make informed choices that align with the company’s financial goals.

By implementing Archibus, organizations can enjoy a range of benefits that directly translate into cost savings and increased efficiency. From optimizing space usage to enhancing asset management and reducing energy costs, Archibus provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses thrive while keeping operational costs in check. Investing in such an IWMS solution not only supports short-term financial goals but also positions companies for long-term success in an ever-evolving market landscape.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.




Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with ARCHIBUS

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with Archibus: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Welcome to the world of streamlined facility management with Archibus! Whether you’re looking to enhance space utilization, improve maintenance operations, or optimize your asset management, Archibus provides a robust platform that can transform your organizational capabilities. This guide will walk you through the initial steps of setting up Archibus, training your staff, and integrating the system into your existing workflows.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the software, it’s crucial to clearly define what you want to achieve with Archibus. Identify key pain points in your current facility management processes and determine how Archibus can address these issues. Common objectives might include reducing operational costs, improving the accuracy of asset tracking, or enhancing space utilization.

Step 2: Plan Your Implementation

Implementation planning involves several key components:

    1. Resource Allocation: Determine who will be responsible for the Archibus implementation and ongoing management.
    2. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for rollout, including key milestones.
    3. Budget: Outline the budget for both implementation and ongoing expenses.

Step 3: Install the Software

Work with a certified Archibus consultant to install the software. This process typically includes:

    1. Setting up the server environment.
    2. Installing the software.
    3. Configuring settings to suit your organization’s specific needs.

Step 4: Data Migration

Migrate existing data into Archibus. This step is critical and may require:

    1. Data cleaning to ensure accuracy and completeness.
    2. Mapping existing data fields to corresponding fields.
    3. Importing data using tools provided by Archibus.


Archibus Homepage

Step 5: Customize and Configure

Customize and configure the system according to your organization’s needs. This might involve:

    1. Setting up user roles and permissions.
    2. Customizing interfaces and reports.
    3. Integrating Archibus with other systems like HR, ERP, or financial software.

Step 6: Train Your Staff

Effective training is essential for successful implementation. Consider the following training strategies:

    1. Training Sessions: Conduct comprehensive training sessions covering basic navigation, functionality, and best practices.
    2. Documentation: Provide detailed user manuals and quick reference guides.
    3. Ongoing Support: Establish a support system for addressing questions and issues as they arise.

Step 7: Go Live and Monitor

Once everything is set up and everyone is trained, go live with the system. Monitor the implementation closely to address any issues promptly. Key activities during this phase include:

    1. Regular check-ins with users to gather feedback and identify any challenges.
    2. Adjusting configurations as needed based on user feedback.
    3. Monitoring system performance and making necessary optimizations.

Step 8: Evaluate and Expand

After the system has been operational for a while, evaluate its impact. Assess whether the original objectives are being met and consider whether additional features or modules could further benefit your organization. Continuous improvement will help maximize the return on your Archibus investment.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Archibus to its full potential, thereby enhancing your organization’s facility management capabilities. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in careful planning, effective training, and ongoing evaluation.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.



The Future of IWMS: Navigating Emerging Trends with Archibus

As the corporate landscape evolves, the demand for agile and comprehensive facility management solutions becomes increasingly critical. Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) are at the forefront of this evolution, offering sophisticated tools to manage real estate, infrastructure, and facilities assets. Archibus, a leader in the IWMS space, continues to set the benchmark by staying ahead of emerging trends. This blog explores the future of IWMS and how Archibus is innovating to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

IWMS - ArchibusEmerging Trends in IWMS:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into IWMS platforms like Archibus is revolutionizing facility management. Predictive analytics for maintenance, smart space utilization, and automated workflows are just a few areas where AI enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. IoT and Smart Building Technology: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in modern facilities. Archibus leverages IoT data to monitor building systems, optimize energy consumption, and ensure a comfortable and productive environment for occupants.
  3. Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Archibus is committed to helping organizations achieve their green goals by providing tools for tracking energy usage, reducing waste, and maintaining LEED certification standards.
  4. Mobile Workforce Accommodation: With the rise of remote and mobile workforces, managing space and resources effectively has become more complex. Archibus offers mobile solutions that enable employees to find workspaces, book resources, and access services on-the-go, ensuring maximum flexibility and productivity.
  5. Enhanced User Experience: User experience is paramount in the design of next-generation IWMS. Archibus focuses on creating intuitive interfaces and personalized dashboards, making it easier for users to interact with the system and perform their tasks efficiently.


How Archibus Stays Ahead:

  1. Continuous Innovation: Archibus invests heavily in research and development to incorporate the latest technologies and best practices into its platform, ensuring clients have access to cutting-edge tools.
  2. Scalable Solutions: Archibus provides scalable solutions that grow with your business. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a multinational corporation, Archibus can adapt to your changing needs.
  3. Global Support Network: With a vast network of partners and support professionals around the world, Archibus ensures that clients receive timely assistance and expertise no matter where they operate.
  4. Client-Centric Development: Feedback from the diverse Archibus user community drives the platform’s evolution, ensuring that new features and improvements address the real-world challenges faced by facility managers.


The future of IWMS is dynamic and promising, with technological advancements paving the way for smarter, more efficient facility management. Archibus remains at the vanguard of these developments, providing organizations with a robust, forward-thinking platform that not only responds to emerging trends but actively shapes the future of integrated workplace management. Embrace the advanced capabilities of Archibus and lead your organization into a new era of facility management excellence.

Ready to explore how Archibus can elevate your IWMS strategy? Contact us to discover the full potential of an integrated approach to workplace management.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Streamline Your Facility Management with a Single Integrated Platform

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing a facility’s infrastructure can be complex and challenging, especially when relying on multiple disjointed systems. Organizations are often bogged down by inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and communication barriers. However, there is a solution that stands out for its ability to streamline and unify these disparate processes into one seamless operation: Archibus, a single Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS).

The Power of Integration Archibus offers a shared database across all applications, ensuring that information is consistent, up-to-date, and easily accessible. This integration extends beyond the core facilities management functions, as Archibus can seamlessly integrate with other critical systems, including financial platforms. By acting as a central hub, it simplifies operations and enhances decision-making.

Benefits of a Single Platform

  1. Enhanced Reporting: With all data consolidated in one platform, generating comprehensive reports becomes effortless. Users can pull real-time insights from various aspects of facilities management, from maintenance schedules to space utilization, providing a holistic view of operations.
  2. Improved Data Sharing: A single platform facilitates better collaboration between departments. When everyone accesses the same system, sharing crucial information is immediate, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors.
  3. Increased Visibility: Archibus provides visibility into every facet of your facilities’ infrastructure. Managers can monitor and control processes more effectively, spotting trends, and addressing issues before they escalate.
  4. Consistent System of Record: As the system of record for all facilities-related data, Archibus ensures that the information used to make strategic decisions is reliable and authoritative. This consistency is vital for maintaining operational integrity and compliance.
  5. Comprehensive Facilities Processes Coverage: Archibus isn’t just a maintenance management tool; it covers the full spectrum of facilities processes. From space planning and project management to environmental sustainability, compliance, and lease management, it supports every aspect of your organization’s infrastructure needs.

Archibus IWMSWhy Choose Archibus? Choosing Archibus means selecting a partner that understands the complexities of facilities management. It’s not just about having a tool; it’s about having the right tool—one that grows with your organization, adapts to your changing needs, and drives efficiency at every turn.

Conclusion For organizations juggling multiple systems to manage their facilities infrastructure, Archibus presents an opportunity to simplify, streamline, and elevate their operations. The benefits of a single integrated platform—enhanced reporting, improved sharing, increased visibility, and comprehensive coverage—are just the beginning. Embrace the power of Archibus and transform your facilities management into a strategic advantage.

Ready to see how Archibus can revolutionize your facility management? Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards a unified, efficient future.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Condeco and iOffice + SpaceIQ Merge to Create Eptura™

San Francisco and Atlanta, GA – October 4, 2022 – Thoma Bravo, a leading software investment firm, today announced the merger of Condeco, the global provider of workspace scheduling software, and iOffice + SpaceIQ, the global workplace and asset management company, to create Eptura. The strategic combination creates a global worktech leader that provides software solutions to power the modern workplace. The merger follows previously announced investments in Condeco and iOffice + SpaceIQ by Thoma Bravo and JMI Equity, who will remain the primary investors in Eptura. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.  

The modern workplace is rapidly evolving, and businesses are demanding new worktech solutions that make adapting to the future of work easier for everyone. With a total addressable market of $25 billion, Eptura’s combined solutions bring the collective knowledge, depth of experience, and comprehensive portfolio of more than nine products (including Archibus) together to meet the challenges of the global workplace with a unified technology experience. Eptura’s solutions can be easily integrated into any workplace and offer an extended ecosystem of partnerships – providing the most adaptable solution.  

Condeco and iOffice + SpaceIQ Merge to Create Eptura™, the Leading Worktech Software SolutionThe combined company’s new brand reflects its unique ability to strategically respond to the dynamic needs of the modern employer and hybrid workplace. Epturastands for ‘the epicenter of the future at work’, underscoring the company’s ability to accelerate the development of new worktech solutions and enhance the user experience.  

Brandon Holden, CEO of iOffice + SpaceIQ, will serve as CEO of Eptura. Paul Statham, Founder & CEO of Condeco, joins Eptura’s board of directors and will continue working with Thoma Bravo. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and with large regional offices in London, UK, and Melbourne, Australia, Eptura has over 1,000 employees across the globe, 16.3 million users, and a customer base spanning more than 16,000 of the world’s leading companies.  

 “With the proliferation of hybrid work, there is an unmet need for technology solutions that enable businesses to adapt to the changing needs of the workplace,” said Brandon Holden, CEO of Eptura. “By combining the power of our expertise and products, Eptura provides a comprehensive solution for business leaders who recognize the importance of keeping people at the center of the workplace of the future. I couldn’t be more excited to lead Eptura as we deliver on our mission to empower the workplace of tomorrow.”  

 “This combination ushers in the next generation of workplace technology by unifying the best-of-breed software across asset management, integrated workplace management systems, and workplace experience solutions,” said Paul Statham. “Bringing together two exceptional teams with unmatched product suites, Eptura is poised to build upon the leadership of Condeco and iOffice + SpaceIQ by accelerating the joint development of new worktech and unlocking even more possibilities for our customers, and offering wider opportunities for global growth.”  

“We have been lucky enough to be partners to both iOffice + SpaceIQ and Condeco for over a year now, and combining these two great companies creates the clear category leader for the modern workplace,” said A.J. Rohde, a Senior Partner at Thoma Bravo. “The level of innovation the company can drive for customers will be very exciting, and we are thrilled for Eptura to begin that journey.”  

Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as legal counsel to Thoma Bravo. Goodwin Procter served as legal counsel to JMI Equity. 

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus- related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Stay on Top of Day-to-Day Operations Through A Web-Based IWMS with Portfolio Management

When you think about the traits that make a business successful, you might consider financial prowess, passion, and patience as crucial attributes. However, an oft-neglected trait has become increasingly crucial to defining success in a post-pandemic world: flexibility.

The ability to adapt to changing situations is extremely underrated yet extremely important. If the changing rules and regulations over the past year in reaction to Covid-19 have taught us anything, it’s that nothing is permanent, and everything is “figureoutable.”

It is naturally easier to talk about adapting than it is to actually make those changes to your business; when you have to manage an entire global portfolio with different property types and functions as well as the people who populate those spaces in a virus-sensitive society, space usage and availability can change in an instant. In addition, staying on top of day-to-day operations, spotting trends, and analyzing all of the data can be overwhelming, to say the least.

Portfolio managers who want to address current problems while identifying opportunities to better use their spaces can turn to an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) for insights. An IWMS with portfolio management provides oversight for any size real estate portfolio, improves root cause analysis to easily isolate problems and uncover potential opportunities, minimizes cost, and maximizes current commercial real estate (CRE) holdings.

A Triple-Win Scenario

A web-based IWMS with portfolio management affords businesses on-demand access to a centralized collection of data, which empowers more informed decisions about CRE.

A common operating framework of land, structures, buildings, and leases creates a more collaborative, better-informed workflow that enhances flexibility and increases scalability. This can have a trickle-down effect, benefiting all stakeholders and establishing a precedence of dynamic, situation-proof problem-solving.

Operationally, there are three positives to an IWMS with portfolio management. This triple-win includes benefits for:

    • Your Business: An IWMS can improve the analysis and management of real estate assets and align them with the company’s long-term mission. A key strategy is maintaining current spaces or invest in new ones as hybrid work – including remote work – grows.The opportunity to evaluate and track facilities as a dynamic asset allows companies to take advantage of vacancies and investment opportunities. An IWMS empowers business unit managers to easily review assets and space assigned to them. In turn, they can rationalize capacity, identify spaces that are no longer needed, and redesign or repurpose spaces to fit the changing needs of employees or potential subletters.Data visualization via the optional geographical tool to link to GIS functionality in the IWMS delivers map-based perspectives of properties. Real estate managers can then visualize the total impact and effectiveness of real estate spending and decision-making across business units. This makes it easier to develop quick, informed strategies based on the portfolio’s ability to fulfill the organizational mission. Additionally, seamless integration with other IWMS applications like capital budgeting, project management, space management, and enterprise move management maximizes CRE optimization for the business as a broad unit.
    • Your Employees: Data analysis and space planning are critical to prioritize the changing needs of employees in uncertain times. An organization’s ability to remain flexible and competitive for the benefit of its employees is pertinent to its success as a whole; higher employee satisfaction leads to higher engagement and productivity.Careful consideration of safety and health precautions, and opportunity for collaboration, are cornerstones of any return to the workplace plan. An IWMS tracks space usage, which allows employers to meet the unique needs of their employees. This data may result in creation of quieter, distraction-free spaces where employees can concentrate on work or the development of a hybrid work environment that makes it easy to switch between working from home and working in a group setting. The overall goal stays the same: decrease a potential loss of productivity.
    • Your Customers: Time is the only asset you can freely spend… but can’t ever create or purchase more of. Because of this, it must be used wisely.Less time spent on decision-making allows businesses to spend more time on customer service. An IWMS allows managers responsible for real estate assets to command every detail of a CRE portfolio and proactively offer better customer service.Client expectations have evolved with COVID-19. The growth of the digital landscape now requires businesses to be responsive 24/7. An IWMS provides unit managers with a self-sustaining platform available at their fingertips to answer client questions and concerns more quickly.

Face the Future with Flexibility

Creating an agile workplace that is able to withstand change and sustain positive business-employee relationships, as well as business-client connections, is crucial for continued growth. But it’s not a simple task.

The ability to be flexible is paramount and the only way to be recession-proof and ensure forward momentum. Implementing a SaaS solution like Archibus to securely modernize and up level is a means of committing to continued business improvement, employee productivity, and customer satisfaction – no matter what uncertain times might bring.

The result? An organization in control of accurate property and performance information that is designed to meet the needs of every party involved, from the business as a broad entity to individual employees and customers.

To learn more request a demo.

By Danielle Moore
Director, Channel Marketing

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Hybrid and Smart: Building the Workplaces of the Future

Now, perhaps more than ever, employers are seeking to enhance their approach to the workplace experience. They are embracing new trends, such as hybrid structures and smart buildings, to create what we like to call “digital workplace euphoria.”

Euphoria may seem like hyperbole, but happy employees make for successful businesses. We’re not talking about amenities like ping pong tables, free Friday lunches, and in-office theaters. The goal of a euphoric workplace is to transform barely there connected offices to intelligent, autonomous ecosystems that empower employees to their most productive and efficient while maintaining healthy work-life balances.

Research indicates that we are seeing much more of a radical change among companies reacting to the workplace trends. Leaders in companies may not respond to every human or occupant need, but certainly, they are reacting to create a more automated workplace for agile teams. One part of the “why” for proactive movement toward hybrid agile is the long-term impact on business.

Smart BuildingsMany companies are going through significant financial losses due to COVID-19. How companies navigate digital disruption will likely affect their revenues and future operations. During the crisis of the companies who saw a 25% growth in the revenues 72% were first to experiment with new technologies. As well, 67% of those companies invested more in digital-related expenditures, according to a 2020 report by McKinsey. The companies that had not taken steps are electing to embrace the productivity associated with remote work to help them recoup those costs of not doing so in the past.

Certain financial dependencies, like expiring office leases and stakeholder pressures, are pushing companies to make an immediate decision on how to proceed with digital based investments to create work environments conducive to agile work, from anywhere. According to a Gartner survey, 38% of tech, media, and telecom business leaders (and 26% of leaders across all represented industries) reported plans to reduce their real estate footprint by, for example, closing retail locations. Gartner also reported that 74% of CFOs and finance leaders at least 5% of their previously on-site workforce to permanently remote positions after COVID-19.

Why Companies Choose to Go Hybrid

Remote and hybrid work is not new, but it certainly hasn’t been as widespread as it is now. According to a Microsoft report, some professions have been trending toward remote work since the oil crisis of the 1970s that resulted in substantially higher commuting and automotive costs. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic drove a “profound increase in the magnitude and speed of the shift toward remote work, with 88% of organizations from around the world surveyed in March [2020] reporting that they were encouraging employees to work from home,” the report noted. More than a third of U.S. workers transitioned to remote or hybrid work between March and April 2020 alone.

Aside from the long-term impact on fiscal reports, this mass transition away from the confines of a 9-to-5 physical office is the other part of the “why” for companies looking to improve three key facets of the digital workplace: people, space, and technology.

The Workplace Mantra: People, Space, and Technology

Creating an environment for employees – or an investor’s case, tenants – that elicits a sense of euphoria is challenging but not impossible. How are companies tackling the digital workplace? There are three elements of an optimized workplace that one should consider.

The first starts with people. People form the community within an organization that will serve as the litmus test for successful digital workplace implementation.

The second element is technology, which acts as the catalyst for change and encompasses each tier of the Smart Building Maturity Model. Most buildings fall somewhere in between the connected and intelligent spaces of the model. From the Internet of Things (IoT) to artificial intelligence (AI), the infrastructure created by technology ultimately makes up the third element of an enhanced workplace: space.

Space doesn’t always refer to a physical location; it relates to the context in which people are working. Space can mean a geographically distributed footprint, flexible hoteling and co-working spaces within your organization, or a scalable real estate portfolio that allows you to set your physical and virtual space settings in a manner that best suits your internal method of operating.

Georgia-Pacific (GP) is one company that has fully embraced all three spheres of the optimized workplace, and by the way is one of the companies that experimented with digital based agile work long before the COVID-19 crisis. The Atlanta-based maker of paper, packaging, building products, and related chemicals resides in an iconic office tower. In the first major renovation since the company occupied the tower in 1982, GP aimed to achieve “optimal integration, functionality, cost and efficiency among the various systems throughout each floor – lighting, HVAC, audio-visual and room scheduling systems,” according to a company press release. The digital building transformation included an Internet of Things (IoT) foundation that resulted in economically feasible, purposeful automation carefully constructed for GP’s user base.

GP reported that the building uses “bio-dynamic (circadian) lighting in the office and collaboration areas, driven by network-connected lighting management. [GP] will respond to peak electrical demands by adjusting building systems. The interconnected system allows the company to collect accurate, real-time data to understand how the space is used, improve employee productivity and satisfaction, and increase real estate investment.”

Along with commercial offices, hospitality and education are two other industries that are exceptionally receptive to similar methods of in-house automation. Fortunately, platforms offered by companies like SpaceIQ offer businesses of all sizes and types of options to create digital workplaces that support agility and flexibility.

Hybrid Strategies for Working “Smart” and Hard

For many companies, leveraging hybrid strategies starts with creating smart buildings and workplaces.

Smart building(s) – both as a verb and a noun – is a partner of hybrid workplaces at the heart of the “next normal” regarding the future of work. Over the last year, companies worldwide have experienced a rapid shift to long-term hybrid and/or remote environments. From Human Resources (HR) to Information Technology (IT) to Marketing and beyond, the functional teams within these organizations are being driven to review their existing work practices and confirm that they align with employees’ current needs.

For some companies, this process may feel like an uncertain scramble – but it shouldn’t.

This moment presents an opportunity for organizations to revise their digital framework and create an even better workplace experience – one that encourages a positive return-to-office transition after a yearlong hiatus or, for remote and hybrid workers, a structure that compels them to engage virtually. Smart building is critical for both employees and executives to tap into the human side of work and reach peak satisfaction in the process of doing so.

As a company specializing in “smart building,” Cognitive Corp is at the forefront of researching and analyzing workplace trends and technologies that impact commercial real estate (CRE) teams.

So, what do we mean by “smart building?” In a word, automation.

Smart building implies that a company has a built-in infrastructure to automate as many day-to-day and long-term tasks as possible. Infrastructure can include IT and networks, HVAC, lighting, time-tracking, scheduling, and anything in between that has a digital footprint.

A key strategy is to distribute the levels of automation and smart building into four tiers on a visual pyramid called the Smart Building Maturity Model. This model helps companies prioritize based on current needs and future growth:

    • Connected Building: Connected building forms the foundation at the bottom of the pyramid. Most companies fall into this category, which includes basic IT networks and the commonplace technology you’d find in a standard office.
    • Intelligent Building: With system integration, energy efficiency, and building automation, intelligent building is what most companies strive for in their next-level smart building process. It can lead to more unified collaboration, better asset management, and streamlined workspace and remote services.
    • Smart Building: The core of the pyramid. Smart building includes open architecture, occupant interaction predictive analytics, which contributes to human centric workplace metrics, on-demand services, big data, and more elements of building intelligence. The future of work is already here, and smart building should be a consideration for most companies.
    • Cognitive Building: At the pinnacle of the pyramid we’ll find cognitive building. Here, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics are the vital pieces that drive building automation. While most non-technological companies do not aim for this high-level tier, we believe it’s still essential knowledge to know all the possibilities within the realm of intelligent architecture.


Data-driven Insights to Support the Hybrid Workplace

The digital workplace focuses on the occupant’s experience within a technological ecosystem. A successful digital workplace supports the human-centric side of corporate initiatives. Different personas within the commercial real estate industry will perform unique functions depending on their role in their organization. However, all roles utilize metrics to inform the progress of their digital transformation.

For individual roles, here are some items to consider:

    • Commercial Real Estate and Facilities Managers: Individuals entrusted with managing facilities should articulate workplace values about the broader business. This includes adapting to change, especially as it relates to the physical space. Your growth mindset should shift from fixed to fluid.
    • Workplace Professionals: As a workplace professional, try to develop strategies and tactics that support agile, flexible workplaces and employee experiences. Consider the wider range of knowledge available to you, beyond just “physical office” and “working from home.”

Workplace Euphoria is Frictionless

An agile, flexible workplace is no longer an option for most businesses; it is a requirement. Baseline metrics allow companies to see how initiatives eliminate employee and occupant stress during times of uncertainty, deliver on diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments, improve operational efficiency, and make remote work, workable.

Additionally, metrics shed light into the onboarding of new technologies, security automation, and workplace productivity. Workplace analytics provide a 360-degree view of any misaligned technology expectations. Embracing technology to create agility and flexibility in return to the workplace can result in euphoria for employers and employees.

To learn more request a demo.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Leverage the CLEAN Future and LIFT America Acts with an IWMS

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce recently introduced two bills—the CLEAN Future Act and LIFT America Act—that are focused on clean energy and achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in America by 2050.

What does that mean for U.S. workplaces? A lot. The impacts on businesses and organizations of all types are substantial. Managing the nuances of each act will require powerful technologies – such as an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) – to meet the stringent requirements geared toward sustainability.

What is the CLEAN Future Act?

The Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act is legislation designed to ensure the U.S. achieves net-zero greenhouse gas pollution no later than 2050. The policy also includes an interim target of reducing 2005 levels of pollution by 50 percent no later than 2030.

These targets have been set by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global group that believes that all nations must work together to aggressively cut carbon pollution. The panel said achieving net-zero greenhouse gas pollution by 2050 will help the world avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate change.

What is the LIFT America Act?

The Leading Infrastructure for Tomorrow’s (LIFT) America Act is legislation aimed at reducing energy and water usage in U.S. facilities, including hospitals, community drinking water plants, and schools.

These changes are meant to modernize infrastructure, fight the effects of climate change, and improve public health standards. The policy is designed to improve:

    • Energy efficiency and clean energy
    • Electric vehicle infrastructure
    • Drinking water
    • Broadband internet access
    • Public health infrastructure

Impacts on U.S. Businesses and Organizations

The CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts will directly impact businesses and organizations by alternating building requirements and energy standards across the country. If passed, the CLEAN Future Act would require building owners to:

    • Benchmark annual energy and water usage via the Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® – this applies to buildings greater than 50,000 square feet and buildings already in compliance with local benchmarking ordinances are exempt
    • Develop a model building energy code using ASHRAE 90.1
    • Increase building energy performance standards


The LIFT America Act will place additional requirements on federally owned structures, including:

    • Reduce average facility energy intensity by 2.5 percent each year (relative to their 2018 baseline)
    • Reduce potable water consumption by 3 percent each year (relative to their 2007 baseline), for a total of 54 percent reduction by 2030

Increasing Sustainability with an IWMS

Many organizations struggle to find cost-effective ways to reduce their carbon footprint and ensure employee safety and wellness. Technology can streamline processes to effectively track and measure sustainability goals.

An integrated workplace management system (IWMS) platform, including one offered by Archibus, an iOFFICE + SpaceIQ product, makes it easier for organizations to comply with the more aggressive standards outlined by the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts. A web-based IWMS platform can track key processes like energy and waste management, which helps organizations better understand the impact they have on the environment.

Organizations can utilize Archibus apps to align with their unique business needs, including:

    • Sustainability Assessments: Regular sustainability assessments allow organizations to measure performance indicators, mitigate risk, and reduce their carbon footprint
    • Energy Management: Many organizations have inefficient energy management practices that are difficult to find and cost them thousands of dollars each year – benchmarking, tracking, and management tools help control costs and increase sustainability
    • Green Building: Whether companies must meet new legislation requirements for individual buildings or across their portfolio, the green building app will help them achieve those goals
    • Waste Management: Efficient waste management systems allow organizations to improve health practices and minimize risks
    • Emergency Preparedness: The right IWMS tools overlap with business continuity planning, helping organizations recover quickly in emergency situations
    • Hazard Abatement: Identifying and abating indoor environmental hazards can be time-consuming, but this feature streamlines the process and keeps organizations safer
    • Health & Safety: From workplace safety accidents to PPE, organizations can gain greater control over health and safety protocols
    • Hazardous Materials: Quickly retrieving material safety information helps to protect building occupants and cut compliance costs

Where to start: Sustainability Assessments and Energy Management

Businesses and organizations don’t need to wait for the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts to launch sustainability measures. IWMS technology makes the concept of environmental sustainability a reality by tracking, ranking, and documenting details on the condition and use of physical assets.

Manual evaluation using spreadsheets and other archaic methods are replaced by objective and systematic ways to identify and prioritize facility replacements, upgrades, and renovations based on environmental sustainability criteria.

Using data from a central repository in Archibus, building owners/managers can:

    • Establish proactive sustainability processes that can improve operational efficiencies, enhance stakeholder work environments, and boost asset value
    • Identify which assets should be repaired, renovated or replaced to achieve environmental efficiency goals or support an existing LEED™ or BREEAM® rating program
    • Improve capital budgeting and planning capabilities by tracking costs and budgets associated with environmental deficiencies
    • Increase efficiency of sustainability efforts by integrating assessments with work order management and by using a unified data repository


An energy management solution is also easy to implement in order to aggregate, evaluate, and optimize energy and utility spending decisions and reduce unnecessary consumption and costs. With Archibus, organizations can:

    • Evaluate consumption patterns to help renegotiate rates and consolidate energy providers
    • Reduce business risk and exposure to changes in energy costs or carbon emissions regulation thought what-if analyses
    • Track energy expenditures against a business plan or objective benchmarks


For more information on sustainability assessments and using IWMS technology to set the stage for compliance with the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts, visit

By Fred Kraus
Sr. Director Product, Archibus

To learn more request a demo.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.