Cost-Saving Strategies with ARCHIBUS: Enhance Efficiency and Reduce Operational Costs

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations and reduce operational costs. Archibus, a leading integrated workplace management system (IWMS), offers robust tools that can help businesses achieve these goals through improved facility management and operational efficiency. Here’s how Archibus can be leveraged to cut costs and enhance organizational performance.

1. Optimized Space Utilization

One of the most significant expenses for any organization is real estate. Archibus provides comprehensive space management solutions that help businesses use their office space more efficiently. By analyzing usage data, Archibus can identify underutilized areas, allowing companies to consolidate space and reduce the amount of leased or owned property. This not only cuts down on rental costs but also reduces utility and maintenance expenses associated with larger spaces.

2. Strategic Asset Management

Maintaining assets can be costly, especially without a strategic plan in place. Archibus helps organizations manage their physical assets more effectively by tracking their lifecycle from acquisition to disposal. With detailed insights into asset conditions and performance, companies can schedule preventive maintenance to avoid costly repairs and extend asset longevity. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and reduces expenditure on new equipment.

Archibus Metrics

3. Energy Management

Energy consumption is another area where Archibus excels to reduce operational costs. The software includes tools for monitoring and managing energy use across all facilities. By identifying patterns and areas of high energy usage, Archibus enables organizations to implement energy-saving measures, such as optimizing HVAC systems or shifting to energy-efficient lighting. These changes not only lower energy bills but also contribute to sustainability goals.

4. Automated Workflows and Processes

Manual processes are often time-consuming and prone to errors. Archibus automates key workflows related to facility management, such as work order processing, lease administration, and compliance reporting. Automation speeds up operations, reduces labor costs, and improves accuracy, freeing up staff to focus on more strategic tasks that add value to the business.

5. Compliance and Risk Management

Failing to comply with regulations can result in hefty fines and reputational damage. Archibus helps ensure that organizations meet all relevant compliance requirements related to facility management and safety. The system can alert managers about upcoming inspections or necessary certifications, significantly reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated costs.

6. Enhanced Decision Making

Finally, Archibus provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that offer deep insights into every aspect of facility management. With access to real-time data and trends, decision-makers can identify cost-saving opportunities quickly and make informed choices that align with the company’s financial goals.

By implementing Archibus, organizations can enjoy a range of benefits that directly translate into cost savings and increased efficiency. From optimizing space usage to enhancing asset management and reducing energy costs, Archibus provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses thrive while keeping operational costs in check. Investing in such an IWMS solution not only supports short-term financial goals but also positions companies for long-term success in an ever-evolving market landscape.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.




Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with ARCHIBUS

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with Archibus: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Welcome to the world of streamlined facility management with Archibus! Whether you’re looking to enhance space utilization, improve maintenance operations, or optimize your asset management, Archibus provides a robust platform that can transform your organizational capabilities. This guide will walk you through the initial steps of setting up Archibus, training your staff, and integrating the system into your existing workflows.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the software, it’s crucial to clearly define what you want to achieve with Archibus. Identify key pain points in your current facility management processes and determine how Archibus can address these issues. Common objectives might include reducing operational costs, improving the accuracy of asset tracking, or enhancing space utilization.

Step 2: Plan Your Implementation

Implementation planning involves several key components:

    1. Resource Allocation: Determine who will be responsible for the Archibus implementation and ongoing management.
    2. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for rollout, including key milestones.
    3. Budget: Outline the budget for both implementation and ongoing expenses.

Step 3: Install the Software

Work with a certified Archibus consultant to install the software. This process typically includes:

    1. Setting up the server environment.
    2. Installing the software.
    3. Configuring settings to suit your organization’s specific needs.

Step 4: Data Migration

Migrate existing data into Archibus. This step is critical and may require:

    1. Data cleaning to ensure accuracy and completeness.
    2. Mapping existing data fields to corresponding fields.
    3. Importing data using tools provided by Archibus.


Archibus Homepage

Step 5: Customize and Configure

Customize and configure the system according to your organization’s needs. This might involve:

    1. Setting up user roles and permissions.
    2. Customizing interfaces and reports.
    3. Integrating Archibus with other systems like HR, ERP, or financial software.

Step 6: Train Your Staff

Effective training is essential for successful implementation. Consider the following training strategies:

    1. Training Sessions: Conduct comprehensive training sessions covering basic navigation, functionality, and best practices.
    2. Documentation: Provide detailed user manuals and quick reference guides.
    3. Ongoing Support: Establish a support system for addressing questions and issues as they arise.

Step 7: Go Live and Monitor

Once everything is set up and everyone is trained, go live with the system. Monitor the implementation closely to address any issues promptly. Key activities during this phase include:

    1. Regular check-ins with users to gather feedback and identify any challenges.
    2. Adjusting configurations as needed based on user feedback.
    3. Monitoring system performance and making necessary optimizations.

Step 8: Evaluate and Expand

After the system has been operational for a while, evaluate its impact. Assess whether the original objectives are being met and consider whether additional features or modules could further benefit your organization. Continuous improvement will help maximize the return on your Archibus investment.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Archibus to its full potential, thereby enhancing your organization’s facility management capabilities. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in careful planning, effective training, and ongoing evaluation.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.



The Future of IWMS: Navigating Emerging Trends with Archibus

As the corporate landscape evolves, the demand for agile and comprehensive facility management solutions becomes increasingly critical. Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) are at the forefront of this evolution, offering sophisticated tools to manage real estate, infrastructure, and facilities assets. Archibus, a leader in the IWMS space, continues to set the benchmark by staying ahead of emerging trends. This blog explores the future of IWMS and how Archibus is innovating to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

IWMS - ArchibusEmerging Trends in IWMS:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into IWMS platforms like Archibus is revolutionizing facility management. Predictive analytics for maintenance, smart space utilization, and automated workflows are just a few areas where AI enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. IoT and Smart Building Technology: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in modern facilities. Archibus leverages IoT data to monitor building systems, optimize energy consumption, and ensure a comfortable and productive environment for occupants.
  3. Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Archibus is committed to helping organizations achieve their green goals by providing tools for tracking energy usage, reducing waste, and maintaining LEED certification standards.
  4. Mobile Workforce Accommodation: With the rise of remote and mobile workforces, managing space and resources effectively has become more complex. Archibus offers mobile solutions that enable employees to find workspaces, book resources, and access services on-the-go, ensuring maximum flexibility and productivity.
  5. Enhanced User Experience: User experience is paramount in the design of next-generation IWMS. Archibus focuses on creating intuitive interfaces and personalized dashboards, making it easier for users to interact with the system and perform their tasks efficiently.


How Archibus Stays Ahead:

  1. Continuous Innovation: Archibus invests heavily in research and development to incorporate the latest technologies and best practices into its platform, ensuring clients have access to cutting-edge tools.
  2. Scalable Solutions: Archibus provides scalable solutions that grow with your business. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a multinational corporation, Archibus can adapt to your changing needs.
  3. Global Support Network: With a vast network of partners and support professionals around the world, Archibus ensures that clients receive timely assistance and expertise no matter where they operate.
  4. Client-Centric Development: Feedback from the diverse Archibus user community drives the platform’s evolution, ensuring that new features and improvements address the real-world challenges faced by facility managers.


The future of IWMS is dynamic and promising, with technological advancements paving the way for smarter, more efficient facility management. Archibus remains at the vanguard of these developments, providing organizations with a robust, forward-thinking platform that not only responds to emerging trends but actively shapes the future of integrated workplace management. Embrace the advanced capabilities of Archibus and lead your organization into a new era of facility management excellence.

Ready to explore how Archibus can elevate your IWMS strategy? Contact us to discover the full potential of an integrated approach to workplace management.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Streamline Your Facility Management with a Single Integrated Platform

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing a facility’s infrastructure can be complex and challenging, especially when relying on multiple disjointed systems. Organizations are often bogged down by inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and communication barriers. However, there is a solution that stands out for its ability to streamline and unify these disparate processes into one seamless operation: Archibus, a single Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS).

The Power of Integration Archibus offers a shared database across all applications, ensuring that information is consistent, up-to-date, and easily accessible. This integration extends beyond the core facilities management functions, as Archibus can seamlessly integrate with other critical systems, including financial platforms. By acting as a central hub, it simplifies operations and enhances decision-making.

Benefits of a Single Platform

  1. Enhanced Reporting: With all data consolidated in one platform, generating comprehensive reports becomes effortless. Users can pull real-time insights from various aspects of facilities management, from maintenance schedules to space utilization, providing a holistic view of operations.
  2. Improved Data Sharing: A single platform facilitates better collaboration between departments. When everyone accesses the same system, sharing crucial information is immediate, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors.
  3. Increased Visibility: Archibus provides visibility into every facet of your facilities’ infrastructure. Managers can monitor and control processes more effectively, spotting trends, and addressing issues before they escalate.
  4. Consistent System of Record: As the system of record for all facilities-related data, Archibus ensures that the information used to make strategic decisions is reliable and authoritative. This consistency is vital for maintaining operational integrity and compliance.
  5. Comprehensive Facilities Processes Coverage: Archibus isn’t just a maintenance management tool; it covers the full spectrum of facilities processes. From space planning and project management to environmental sustainability, compliance, and lease management, it supports every aspect of your organization’s infrastructure needs.

Archibus IWMSWhy Choose Archibus? Choosing Archibus means selecting a partner that understands the complexities of facilities management. It’s not just about having a tool; it’s about having the right tool—one that grows with your organization, adapts to your changing needs, and drives efficiency at every turn.

Conclusion For organizations juggling multiple systems to manage their facilities infrastructure, Archibus presents an opportunity to simplify, streamline, and elevate their operations. The benefits of a single integrated platform—enhanced reporting, improved sharing, increased visibility, and comprehensive coverage—are just the beginning. Embrace the power of Archibus and transform your facilities management into a strategic advantage.

Ready to see how Archibus can revolutionize your facility management? Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards a unified, efficient future.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Archibus OnSite On-Demand Webinar

Archibus OnSite is a cloud-based SaaS CMMS that provides preventive and reactive maintenance, asset and compliance management.

Join us to learn how Archibus OnSite takes a holistic approach to facilities management, connecting asset, compliance, and maintenance management with an intuitive mobile app for managing work, and floor plans and maps for locating and planning work.


About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Leverage the CLEAN Future and LIFT America Acts with an IWMS

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce recently introduced two bills—the CLEAN Future Act and LIFT America Act—that are focused on clean energy and achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in America by 2050.

What does that mean for U.S. workplaces? A lot. The impacts on businesses and organizations of all types are substantial. Managing the nuances of each act will require powerful technologies – such as an integrated workplace management system (IWMS) – to meet the stringent requirements geared toward sustainability.

What is the CLEAN Future Act?

The Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act is legislation designed to ensure the U.S. achieves net-zero greenhouse gas pollution no later than 2050. The policy also includes an interim target of reducing 2005 levels of pollution by 50 percent no later than 2030.

These targets have been set by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global group that believes that all nations must work together to aggressively cut carbon pollution. The panel said achieving net-zero greenhouse gas pollution by 2050 will help the world avoid the most catastrophic consequences of climate change.

What is the LIFT America Act?

The Leading Infrastructure for Tomorrow’s (LIFT) America Act is legislation aimed at reducing energy and water usage in U.S. facilities, including hospitals, community drinking water plants, and schools.

These changes are meant to modernize infrastructure, fight the effects of climate change, and improve public health standards. The policy is designed to improve:

    • Energy efficiency and clean energy
    • Electric vehicle infrastructure
    • Drinking water
    • Broadband internet access
    • Public health infrastructure

Impacts on U.S. Businesses and Organizations

The CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts will directly impact businesses and organizations by alternating building requirements and energy standards across the country. If passed, the CLEAN Future Act would require building owners to:

    • Benchmark annual energy and water usage via the Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® – this applies to buildings greater than 50,000 square feet and buildings already in compliance with local benchmarking ordinances are exempt
    • Develop a model building energy code using ASHRAE 90.1
    • Increase building energy performance standards


The LIFT America Act will place additional requirements on federally owned structures, including:

    • Reduce average facility energy intensity by 2.5 percent each year (relative to their 2018 baseline)
    • Reduce potable water consumption by 3 percent each year (relative to their 2007 baseline), for a total of 54 percent reduction by 2030

Increasing Sustainability with an IWMS

Many organizations struggle to find cost-effective ways to reduce their carbon footprint and ensure employee safety and wellness. Technology can streamline processes to effectively track and measure sustainability goals.

An integrated workplace management system (IWMS) platform, including one offered by Archibus, an iOFFICE + SpaceIQ product, makes it easier for organizations to comply with the more aggressive standards outlined by the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts. A web-based IWMS platform can track key processes like energy and waste management, which helps organizations better understand the impact they have on the environment.

Organizations can utilize Archibus apps to align with their unique business needs, including:

    • Sustainability Assessments: Regular sustainability assessments allow organizations to measure performance indicators, mitigate risk, and reduce their carbon footprint
    • Energy Management: Many organizations have inefficient energy management practices that are difficult to find and cost them thousands of dollars each year – benchmarking, tracking, and management tools help control costs and increase sustainability
    • Green Building: Whether companies must meet new legislation requirements for individual buildings or across their portfolio, the green building app will help them achieve those goals
    • Waste Management: Efficient waste management systems allow organizations to improve health practices and minimize risks
    • Emergency Preparedness: The right IWMS tools overlap with business continuity planning, helping organizations recover quickly in emergency situations
    • Hazard Abatement: Identifying and abating indoor environmental hazards can be time-consuming, but this feature streamlines the process and keeps organizations safer
    • Health & Safety: From workplace safety accidents to PPE, organizations can gain greater control over health and safety protocols
    • Hazardous Materials: Quickly retrieving material safety information helps to protect building occupants and cut compliance costs

Where to start: Sustainability Assessments and Energy Management

Businesses and organizations don’t need to wait for the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts to launch sustainability measures. IWMS technology makes the concept of environmental sustainability a reality by tracking, ranking, and documenting details on the condition and use of physical assets.

Manual evaluation using spreadsheets and other archaic methods are replaced by objective and systematic ways to identify and prioritize facility replacements, upgrades, and renovations based on environmental sustainability criteria.

Using data from a central repository in Archibus, building owners/managers can:

    • Establish proactive sustainability processes that can improve operational efficiencies, enhance stakeholder work environments, and boost asset value
    • Identify which assets should be repaired, renovated or replaced to achieve environmental efficiency goals or support an existing LEED™ or BREEAM® rating program
    • Improve capital budgeting and planning capabilities by tracking costs and budgets associated with environmental deficiencies
    • Increase efficiency of sustainability efforts by integrating assessments with work order management and by using a unified data repository


An energy management solution is also easy to implement in order to aggregate, evaluate, and optimize energy and utility spending decisions and reduce unnecessary consumption and costs. With Archibus, organizations can:

    • Evaluate consumption patterns to help renegotiate rates and consolidate energy providers
    • Reduce business risk and exposure to changes in energy costs or carbon emissions regulation thought what-if analyses
    • Track energy expenditures against a business plan or objective benchmarks


For more information on sustainability assessments and using IWMS technology to set the stage for compliance with the CLEAN Future and LIFT America acts, visit

By Fred Kraus
Sr. Director Product, Archibus

To learn more request a demo.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Archibus OnSite Makes Fielding Work Orders Simpler

Maintaining facilities takes an organized, concerted effort. There are so many facets of property upkeep to consider, each demanding its own approach to maintenance, repair, and improvement. Businesses need a tool on their side that enables not only visibility into these tasks, but also streamlined management of them. It’s why iOFFICE + SpaceIQ created Archibus OnSite.

Archibus OnSite is a new mobile solution that helps organizations efficiently manage preventive and corrective maintenance work orders, assets, and compliance. It’s designed with total facilities in mind, to enable groups and teams charged with keeping them up and running right.

Companies are taking a closer look at overhead

In the era of flex work, companies are paying more attention to the cost of overhead. What they’re finding are opportunities to cut back—not necessarily on space, but on the cost of maintaining that space. It’s all about cost optimization through better workplace efficiency.

Organizations are wasting too much time on administrative overhead: completing work orders in the office and planning work routes ahead of time. Instead, they need to efficiently maintain facilities and assets in a manner that optimizes for availability, uptime, good working order, compliance, and cost. They’re turning to Archibus OnSite to help them take a smarter approach to broad facility upkeep, and reaping the benefits that come with it.

How Archibus OnSite helps maximize overhead ROI

Archibus OnSite is built on a modern, mobile framework that makes facility teams and field workers more efficient. From fielding and sorting work orders, to built-in compliance checklists—Archibus OnSite puts critical resources in the hands of craftspeople charged with vital facilities tasks. Additional core features planned for the app include:

    • Location awareness for easy work planning and routing
    • Push notifications for instant reminders of what’s important
    • Questionnaire framework for regulatory compliance maintenance checklists


Unlike other maintenance solutions that focus solely on ticket management, Archibus OnSite takes a holistic approach to facilities management. It connects asset, compliance, and maintenance management with floor plans and maps to optimize the management of tasks—including locating and planning work.

Archibus OnSite optimizes maintenance operations by bringing visibility and flexibility to the actions that enable them. Beyond realizing the need for maintenance, upkeep, or repair, Archibus OnSite helps facility teams execute with purpose, to get the job done more efficiently and at a lower cost to the organization.

Archibus OnSite is part of a full-featured IWMS

Archibus OnSite works seamlessly with other Archibus modules to enable an even more streamlined approach to facility upkeep. The Archibus integrated workplace management system (IWMS) delivers a full profile of relevant data to Archibus OnSite users, giving them even more capabilities in the field, so they can do their job better. Over time, core synergies will include:

    • Connect to assets for a complete asset inventory and maintenance history to inform lifecycle decisions.
    • Extend to compliance and condition assessment solutions for a comprehensive view of assets under management.
    • Connect to space data and GIS to include floor plans, campus plans, and maps for wayfinding, planning, and locating.


Archibus OnSite allows facility teams to do more, faster. Robust integrations provide immediate, relevant data for an informed response to any support ticket, no matter where it originates or what the scope of work is.

Archibus OnSite as a comprehensive maintenance solution

As overhead costs loom large over organizations, Archibus OnSite ensures a higher standard of upkeep and quicker responsiveness that reduces asset maintenance costs and maximizes the ROI of the workplace using:

    • Robust and configurable workflows (approvals, estimating, scheduling, checklists, etc.)
    • Labor scheduling and workforce management and coordination tools
    • Part inventory management for simplified inventories and better cost control
    • Asset lists, maintenance history, reference documents, and compliance sheets


Archibus OnSite brings a broader level of oversight to facility upkeep and puts organizations more in-control of their response to everyday facilities tasks. No matter where or when maintenance demands arise, Archibus OnSite ensures a well-coordinated response.

The time for smarter asset management is now

Overhead costs may seem like a burden, but it’s vital to remember that real estate is an asset. To maximize asset ROI and more than justify the overhead costs that come with it, companies need to focus on the variables they can control—namely, their response to facilities maintenance.

Archibus OnSite is a ready-to-deploy, easy-to-integrate, versatile app that transforms the way an organization manages its largest asset. With seamless connectivity to other Archibus solutions, availability in seven languages, and the full support of iOFFICE + SpaceIQ behind it, Archibus OnSite will change the way companies think about and approach facility maintenance.

To learn more, check out our webinar or request a demo.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Webinar – What’s New In Archibus v.25.4


Archibus understands that bringing your employees back to the office safely is a priority. That is why they continue to add features that will help you do so.

In Archibus V25.4, they have added the ability for facility managers to:

– Limit bookings on any floor to reduced capacity targets
– Restrict hoteling of desks after capacity is reached
– Limit users from booking more than once for the same period

Other features introduced in this latest release include the ability to:

– Create user-defined fields for equipment and equipment standards
– Access checklists in the Maintenance Console
– Manage and update move projects with an easy-to-use interface

Archibus v.25.4 - IMS Consulting

Our On-Demand webinar dives deeper into what’s new in Archibus v.25.4.

For more information about Archibus v.25.4 contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and 日本藤素
create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Archibus Back-To-Work Offers

Back-to-Work Offers & Features

Health & Safety

We want to ensure that our Customers have every resource available to see their workplace through the COVID-19 crisis. We are offering the Archibus Health & Safety application at no cost until September 30, 2021, so you can more effectively:

  1. Easily track onsite and offsite COVID-19 cases and quickly identify trends and provide reporting
  2. Enable your managers to quickly associate incidents with locations and personnel
  3. Reduce the overall cost of administering a comprehensive, defensible health and safety program

Dates: The Archibus Health & Safety application will be available at no cost through September 30, 2021, regardless of the start date. Customers wishing to continue the use of the Health & Safety application after September 30, 2021, may add it to their maintenance subscription.

Eligible Participants: This offer is available to all existing Archibus Customers with an active software subscription contract.

Versions: This offer is available on any version of Archibus Web Central where the Health & Safety application is available.

Support: The application is subject to the same support as other Web Central applications.

IMS Consulting Back-To-Work

Full Phase Support

Planning to safely welcome employees back to the office has been on many Facility Manager’ minds. To help with the planning and execution of a back-to-work strategy, Archibus has developed a “Dynamic Workplace” home page that includes all relevant back-to-work information in one centralized view. It pulls this information from the Space, Hoteling, Maintenance, Health & Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Condition Assessment modules.

Eligible Participants: This offer is available to all existing Archibus Customers with an active software subscription contract or new Customers.

Versions: This offer is available on any version of Archibus Web Central where Space, Hoteling, Maintenance, Health & Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Condition Assessment applications are available.

Support: These applications are subject to the same support as other Web Central applications.

NOTE: The Dynamic Workplace home page is available as a part of V25.2. The content presented on the home page is based on modules such as Space, Hoteling, Maintenance, Health & Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Condition Assessment. If a Customer wishes to add any of these modules, they may purchase them per usual. If they are on V24.1 or higher and do not want to upgrade, they would need to purchase the backport option.

For more information about these offers contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Webinar – What’s New in Archibus v.25.3


With Archibus V25.3 introduces these new features:

View Configuration: Enable and define new fields directly from views​

Define new fields

  1. Enable existing fields (promote fields)
  2. Use promoted fields and user-defined fields in forms, reports, and floor plan highlights


Maintenance: Integrate checklists into maintenance workflow

  1. Define checklists and associate them with the SLA workflow
  2. Use checklists in the field for surveys, procedures, and inspections
  3. Review checklist results in reports

Archibus v.25.3 - IMS Consulting

Archibus v.25.3 also includes these improvements:

Compliance: User interface update for Extended Questionnaires

Continuous Improvements:

  1. Benchmarks and Allocations Report
  2. Workplace
  3. Numerous bug fixes that address key support issues across the product line.


For more information about Archibus v.25.3 contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.