Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with ARCHIBUS

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started with Archibus: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

Welcome to the world of streamlined facility management with Archibus! Whether you’re looking to enhance space utilization, improve maintenance operations, or optimize your asset management, Archibus provides a robust platform that can transform your organizational capabilities. This guide will walk you through the initial steps of setting up Archibus, training your staff, and integrating the system into your existing workflows.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the software, it’s crucial to clearly define what you want to achieve with Archibus. Identify key pain points in your current facility management processes and determine how Archibus can address these issues. Common objectives might include reducing operational costs, improving the accuracy of asset tracking, or enhancing space utilization.

Step 2: Plan Your Implementation

Implementation planning involves several key components:

    1. Resource Allocation: Determine who will be responsible for the Archibus implementation and ongoing management.
    2. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for rollout, including key milestones.
    3. Budget: Outline the budget for both implementation and ongoing expenses.

Step 3: Install the Software

Work with a certified Archibus consultant to install the software. This process typically includes:

    1. Setting up the server environment.
    2. Installing the software.
    3. Configuring settings to suit your organization’s specific needs.

Step 4: Data Migration

Migrate existing data into Archibus. This step is critical and may require:

    1. Data cleaning to ensure accuracy and completeness.
    2. Mapping existing data fields to corresponding fields.
    3. Importing data using tools provided by Archibus.


Archibus Homepage

Step 5: Customize and Configure

Customize and configure the system according to your organization’s needs. This might involve:

    1. Setting up user roles and permissions.
    2. Customizing interfaces and reports.
    3. Integrating Archibus with other systems like HR, ERP, or financial software.

Step 6: Train Your Staff

Effective training is essential for successful implementation. Consider the following training strategies:

    1. Training Sessions: Conduct comprehensive training sessions covering basic navigation, functionality, and best practices.
    2. Documentation: Provide detailed user manuals and quick reference guides.
    3. Ongoing Support: Establish a support system for addressing questions and issues as they arise.

Step 7: Go Live and Monitor

Once everything is set up and everyone is trained, go live with the system. Monitor the implementation closely to address any issues promptly. Key activities during this phase include:

    1. Regular check-ins with users to gather feedback and identify any challenges.
    2. Adjusting configurations as needed based on user feedback.
    3. Monitoring system performance and making necessary optimizations.

Step 8: Evaluate and Expand

After the system has been operational for a while, evaluate its impact. Assess whether the original objectives are being met and consider whether additional features or modules could further benefit your organization. Continuous improvement will help maximize the return on your Archibus investment.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging Archibus to its full potential, thereby enhancing your organization’s facility management capabilities. Remember, the key to successful implementation lies in careful planning, effective training, and ongoing evaluation.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.



Leveraging the Power of GIS in Facility Management: Integrating Esri with Archibus

In the realm of facility management and real estate, the integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with enterprise asset management platforms like Archibus can unlock a wealth of benefits. Integrating Esri ArcGIS platform brings powerful mapping and spatial analytics to the table, while Archibus excels in managing facilities, infrastructure, and real estate portfolios. Combining these two can revolutionize how organizations manage their physical assets.

Benefits of Integration: The fusion of Esri’s GIS capabilities with Archibus’s asset and facility management tools offers several advantages:

    1. Enhanced Data Visualization: By integrating location data with facility management, stakeholders can visualize assets and infrastructure within a geographic context, leading to more intuitive management and planning.
    2. Informed Decision-Making: Geospatial analytics allow for deeper insights into facility usage patterns, helping to drive strategic decisions about space planning, maintenance, and resource allocation.
    3. Streamlined Operations: Linking GIS with facility and asset data simplifies workflows, enhances communication, and improves operational efficiency by providing a unified view of all assets.

Archibus ESRI IntegrationUse Cases: Several practical applications highlight the value of integrating Esri with Archibus:

    1. Asset Tracking: Facilities managers can track the locations and conditions of assets in real-time, enhancing maintenance schedules and asset longevity.
    2. Space Utilization: Organizations can merge floor plans with geographic maps to analyze and optimize space usage across multiple locations.
    3. Emergency Response: Integrated mapping supports better emergency planning and response, enabling quick access to critical facility and infrastructure information during crises.


Technical Considerations: Successfully integrating Esri with Archibus involves several key technical aspects:

    1. Data Synchronization: It’s crucial to establish reliable methods for synchronizing data between Esri and Archibus to maintain accuracy and integrity.
    2. System Architecture: The integration requires a robust technical architecture that ensures seamless communication between the GIS and facility management systems.
    3. Security: As with any integration, ensuring the security of data as it moves between systems is paramount.


Challenges and Solutions: While integrating GIS with facility management systems is highly beneficial, it’s not without challenges:

    1. Complexity of Data: Managing and merging large datasets from different sources can be daunting. Using middleware or custom APIs can help streamline this process.
    2. User Adoption: Change can be difficult, so providing adequate training and support is essential for successful adoption.
    3. Costs: Initial setup costs can be significant, but focusing on long-term ROI will help justify the investment.


Future of Integrated Systems: Looking ahead, the integrating of Esri with facility management is poised to become even more sophisticated with advancements in IoT, smart buildings, and AI. These technologies promise to further enhance the efficiency and intelligence of facility operations, driving sustainability and innovation.


Conclusion: Integrating Esri’s GIS technology with Archibus creates an environment where spatial intelligence meets asset and facility management excellence. The combined power of these tools not only enhances day-to-day operations but also provides strategic insights that can lead to more informed decision-making and resource optimization.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of integrating GIS into your facility management practices? Reach out to us to learn more about how your organization can make this transformative step.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Leveraging Data Analytics in Facilities Management: How Archibus Analytics Can Drive Decision-Making and Operational Improvements

In today’s data-driven world, facilities management (FM) is no exception to the transformative power of analytics. With the right tools, FM professionals can turn vast amounts of data into actionable insights. Archibus, a leader in integrated workplace management systems (IWMS), offers robust analytics capabilities that empower facility managers to make informed decisions and optimize operations.

The Power of Archibus Analytics

Archibus provides a comprehensive analytics platform that helps facility managers understand complex data through easy-to-interpret dashboards, reports, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Here’s how leveraging these analytics can drive decision-making and operational improvements:

  1. Strategic Asset Management: By analyzing historical maintenance data, Archibus helps predict future asset performance and maintenance needs. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and extends asset life-cycles.
  2. Space Optimization: Utilizing occupancy and space utilization data, Archibus analytics enables facility managers to identify underutilized spaces and make adjustments to improve space efficiency, which can lead to significant cost savings.
  3. Energy Consumption Analysis: Archibus helps track and analyze energy usage patterns across facilities. Managers can use this data to implement energy-saving measures, reduce carbon footprint, and lower utility costs.
  4. Compliance and Risk Management: Keeping up with regulatory compliance is simplified as Archibus analytics track relevant data, ensuring facilities meet industry standards and avoid potential fines or legal issues.
  5. Enhanced Reporting Capabilities: Customizable reports provide stakeholders with clear insights into FM operations, supporting strategic planning and demonstrating the value of facility management within the organization.

Data AnalyticsImplementing Archibus Analytics for Operational Excellence

To effectively leverage Archibus analytics, facilities managers should:

  • Integrate Data Sources: Ensure all relevant FM data streams are integrated into Archibus for a holistic view.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with data analytics, whether it’s cost reduction, improved sustainability, or enhanced occupant experience.
  • Train Your Team: Equip your team with the knowledge to utilize Archibus analytics tools effectively.
  • Act on Insights: Use the data-driven insights to make strategic changes in your FM operations.



Data analytics is an invaluable asset in modern facilities management. Archibus offers a powerful analytics suite that transforms data into strategic insights, driving better decision-making and operational excellence. By embracing these tools, facility managers can not only improve their daily operations but also contribute to the overall success and competitiveness of their organizations.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

The Future of IWMS: Navigating Emerging Trends with Archibus

As the corporate landscape evolves, the demand for agile and comprehensive facility management solutions becomes increasingly critical. Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) are at the forefront of this evolution, offering sophisticated tools to manage real estate, infrastructure, and facilities assets. Archibus, a leader in the IWMS space, continues to set the benchmark by staying ahead of emerging trends. This blog explores the future of IWMS and how Archibus is innovating to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

IWMS - ArchibusEmerging Trends in IWMS:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning into IWMS platforms like Archibus is revolutionizing facility management. Predictive analytics for maintenance, smart space utilization, and automated workflows are just a few areas where AI enhances decision-making and operational efficiency.
  2. IoT and Smart Building Technology: Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in modern facilities. Archibus leverages IoT data to monitor building systems, optimize energy consumption, and ensure a comfortable and productive environment for occupants.
  3. Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. Archibus is committed to helping organizations achieve their green goals by providing tools for tracking energy usage, reducing waste, and maintaining LEED certification standards.
  4. Mobile Workforce Accommodation: With the rise of remote and mobile workforces, managing space and resources effectively has become more complex. Archibus offers mobile solutions that enable employees to find workspaces, book resources, and access services on-the-go, ensuring maximum flexibility and productivity.
  5. Enhanced User Experience: User experience is paramount in the design of next-generation IWMS. Archibus focuses on creating intuitive interfaces and personalized dashboards, making it easier for users to interact with the system and perform their tasks efficiently.


How Archibus Stays Ahead:

  1. Continuous Innovation: Archibus invests heavily in research and development to incorporate the latest technologies and best practices into its platform, ensuring clients have access to cutting-edge tools.
  2. Scalable Solutions: Archibus provides scalable solutions that grow with your business. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a multinational corporation, Archibus can adapt to your changing needs.
  3. Global Support Network: With a vast network of partners and support professionals around the world, Archibus ensures that clients receive timely assistance and expertise no matter where they operate.
  4. Client-Centric Development: Feedback from the diverse Archibus user community drives the platform’s evolution, ensuring that new features and improvements address the real-world challenges faced by facility managers.


The future of IWMS is dynamic and promising, with technological advancements paving the way for smarter, more efficient facility management. Archibus remains at the vanguard of these developments, providing organizations with a robust, forward-thinking platform that not only responds to emerging trends but actively shapes the future of integrated workplace management. Embrace the advanced capabilities of Archibus and lead your organization into a new era of facility management excellence.

Ready to explore how Archibus can elevate your IWMS strategy? Contact us to discover the full potential of an integrated approach to workplace management.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Searching for an INSITE replacement? Archibus has you covered.

As the landscape of space management software evolves, institutions within higher education must adapt to ensure they remain at the forefront of efficiency and innovation. With the recent news of INSITE going out of business, many colleges and universities, especially those with research institutes, are seeking a robust and reliable alternative. Archibus Space Management Application emerges as an optimal solution, offering seamless migration and advanced features tailored to the unique needs of higher education environments.

Why Migrate to Archibus?

Archibus has been a pioneer in space management solutions, providing a comprehensive platform that helps institutions optimize their physical spaces. For higher education entities, the advantages of using Archibus are many-fold:

  1. Enhanced Space Utilization: Archibus delivers powerful tools for space inventory and utilization, allowing educational institutions to make data-driven decisions on how to best use their facilities, which is crucial for accommodating growing student populations and evolving academic programs.
  2. Research Institute Management: Universities with research components can leverage Archibus to manage complex requirements of research spaces, ensuring compliance with safety standards and funding regulations. The system adeptly handles the allocation and administration of spaces dedicated to research activities.
  3. Indirect Cost Recovery/Grants/ Principal Investigators (PIs): Archibus simplifies the task of managing Grants and PIs by tracking and associating them with their respective spaces and resources. This feature is particularly beneficial for institutions that need to perform indirect cost recovery, providing transparency and control over research spaces.
  4. Customizable Reporting: Generate detailed reports and analytics that help in strategic planning and demonstrate the institution’s commitment to effective space management – a key factor in securing future funding and accreditation.


Archibus Space Console - INSITE Replacement

Ease of Migration

One of the primary concerns when switching space management systems is the migration process. Archibus stands out with its user-friendly transition pathway from INSITE. The system is designed to import existing data smoothly, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuity in operations. Archibus specialists are available to assist with the transition, ensuring that your institution’s valuable data is transferred accurately and efficiently.

A Call to Action for Higher Education Institutions

As INSITE users in the higher education sector look towards the future, Archibus presents not just a replacement, but an upgrade to their space management capabilities. With extensive support, customizable features, and a community of users in academia, Archibus is ready to help your institution elevate its space management to new heights.

Don’t let the discontinuation of INSITE disrupt your institution’s operations. Take this opportunity to enhance your space management processes with Archibus. Contact us today to learn more about how easy it is to migrate your data and to discover the benefits that Archibus can bring to your college or university.

Ready to make the switch? Reach out to our team for a consultation and see how Archibus can transform your space management today.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Revolutionize Your Workplace Management with Archibus Hoteling: Top 5 Reasons to Use This Innovative Solution

Archibus Hoteling Application

Hoteling software has become increasingly popular among businesses looking to optimize their office space and resources. By allowing employees to book workspaces, conference rooms, and other shared resources on an as-needed basis, hoteling software can help reduce real estate costs, increase productivity, and improve collaboration among team members.

The leading hoteling software solution is the Archibus Hoteling application. This innovative platform offers a range of features designed to help space managers, workplace managers, and facilities managers streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should consider using the Archibus Hoteling application:

    1. Increased productivity: With Archibus Hoteling, employees can quickly and easily find and reserve available workspaces and resources, reducing time spent searching for open spaces or double-booking.
    2. Improved space utilization: Archibus Hoteling provides valuable insights into how your office space is being used, allowing you to identify underutilized areas and make data-driven decisions about how to optimize your space.
    3. Enhanced collaboration: Archibus Hoteling enables teams to easily book and share resources such as conference rooms and equipment, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork.
    4. Customizable options: Archibus Hoteling is fully customizable to meet your unique business needs, allowing you to tailor the application to your specific requirements and workflows.
    5. Cost savings: By optimizing space utilization and reducing the need for additional real estate, Archibus Hoteling can help you save on occupancy costs and improve your bottom line.


In addition to these benefits, the Archibus Hoteling application offers a range of features that make it a powerful tool for workplace management. These include:

    • Real-time availability: Employees can view real-time availability of workspaces and resources, making it easy to find and book what they need.
    • Mobile accessibility: Archibus Hoteling is accessible from any device with an internet connection, allowing employees to book resources on the go.
    • Analytics and reporting: The application provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track space utilization, resource usage, and other key metrics.
    • Integration with other Archibus solutions: The application integrates seamlessly with other Archibus solutions such as space management and asset management, providing a comprehensive workplace management platform.


So why wait? Take your office space management to the next level with Archibus Hoteling today! Contact us to learn more about how Archibus can help you manage your facilities and workplace effectively.

About IMS Consulting

For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of Archibus- related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced Archibus-certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of Archibus, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. Archibus is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

2 Minute Drill – Hoteling Application v.25

2 Minute Drill – Hoteling Application v.25


When workers — whether they are on a temporary contract, typically telecommute, or are employees temporarily displaced from their offices and requiring swing space– arrive at the site, their first immediate action is to go to their assigned workspace so that they can settle into the day’s work.

Ensuring that these workers have an office or workspace to go to, that this office is equipped to meet their needs, and that the employee is notified of their assigned space can be accomplished through the Archibus Hoteling application and its tasks to create and manage the Hoteling process. From the administration and cost side, the Archibus Hoteling application supports charging departments for their use of temporarily occupied seats, assessing the utilization of booked seats, and helping you to determine if you have enough seats dedicated to the Hoteling process.

The Archibus Hoteling application is organized into a set of role-based tasks designed for the various roles within your organization. With roles and security established by a business process owner, users will log into Archibus and access just those tasks appropriate for their roles and security settings.

For more information about these offers contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Webinar – What’s New in Archibus v.25.3


With Archibus V25.3 introduces these new features:

View Configuration: Enable and define new fields directly from views​

Define new fields

  1. Enable existing fields (promote fields)
  2. Use promoted fields and user-defined fields in forms, reports, and floor plan highlights


Maintenance: Integrate checklists into maintenance workflow

  1. Define checklists and associate them with the SLA workflow
  2. Use checklists in the field for surveys, procedures, and inspections
  3. Review checklist results in reports

Archibus v.25.3 - IMS Consulting

Archibus v.25.3 also includes these improvements:

Compliance: User interface update for Extended Questionnaires

Continuous Improvements:

  1. Benchmarks and Allocations Report
  2. Workplace
  3. Numerous bug fixes that address key support issues across the product line.


For more information about Archibus v.25.3 contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.

Technology Drives Safer Back-to-School Efforts

What is your new student capacity under social distancing?

This simple question can flummox even the most seasoned campus planner or school district facilities specialist. Many smaller universities and larger school districts don’t have a ready way to access this information, which can complicate efforts to ensure a safe school year.

With an integrated workplace management system (IWMS), education leaders can uncover important insights about their space inventory. This data empowers schools to quickly identify, modify, and repurpose square footage to satisfy COVID guidelines while supporting student learning needs.

Archibus Back To School

Establish Usable Square Footage

Understanding revised building and classroom capacity based on COVID-19 impacts is a unique challenge. It’s not a simple mathematical formula run on a spreadsheet. Space planners need to aggregate data from multiple buildings across an entire district or campus. Educational leaders depend on accurate insights in order to safely bring back students—yet many do not have a system that can collect and analyze this important information.

The process starts with establishing a precise overview of your school’s space inventory. You need to know what type of space you have, how much square footage it contains, where it is located, and its condition. Even the American College Health Association (ACHA) recommends ascertaining “allowable occupancy in order to control workflow and/or establish maximum attendance.” But without being able to view space inventory in an easy-to-digest format, schooler planners have a difficult time implementing social distancing.

And it’s not just classroom spaces—schools are appropriating rooms that were once gathering areas and turning them into learning zones. Ancillary areas like gymnasiums, auditoriums, theater stages, and music rooms are prime spots to spread out students. Even a cafeteria can be transformed into a classroom under these circumstances. This strategy is echoed by the ACHA, which encourages schools to “post maximum occupancy in common break areas and configure to accommodate appropriate physical distancing.” This information is not only essential for applying physical distancing but also tracking areas that require sterilization and disinfection.

Real-World Education Applications

Bob Lawn, a CAFM Specialist with California’s Long Beach Unified School District, oversees 87 sites. His experience implementing social distancing underscores some of the unexpected complications that can arise. His department used a 20% reduction of classroom capacity to account for shelving, cabinets, etc. and estimate the usable classroom space across the district, which resulted in a decrease of students from 30 to 16. To gain a more accurate percentage, he calculated each room’s usable square footage by subtracting space occupied by woodwork, desks, and shelves.

“By making the necessary calculations in Archibus, we established that each student needs 46 square feet. That’s when we had to start thinking about alternative spaces beyond traditional classrooms. So we ran an analysis for spaces over 100 square feet to give us a new list of learning areas to work with,” Lawn explained.

Michael Chambers, a design and construction project manager for St. John’s University, ran into the same challenge of calculating class capacity. He stresses that it’s not enough to assume seat count will be reduced by a fixed 30%. For example, an architectural feature like a column could easily affect the layout.

“We also needed to locate all common spaces on campus, especially since they will likely be empty through the fall. Using the [Archibus] Space Console solution, we could determine if those areas have the appropriate infrastructure, such as HVAC and electric, to accommodate a classroom or online learning resource,” said Chambers.

Locate and Mitigate Hot Spots

In addition to classrooms, COVID-19 is forcing modifications for faculty and support staff spaces. Everything from break rooms and reception areas to benching and shared offices need to be scrutinized for exposure risks. It is imperative to quickly identify where people are in close quarters and what solutions can reduce risk in these hot spots.

For example, new features in Archibus V25.2 allow users to put a 6-foot radius around each desk to determine where there are conflicts. This provides an accurate list of people who need to be moved. In many cases, layout modifications aren’t feasible because campus space is already near capacity pre-COVID.

“Based on the insights from Archibus, we decided to implement shift schedules for departments,” Chambers explained. “We classify spaces as essential, reservable, and work shifts. Now we have reservable spaces for touchdown spots, rotating schedules, and everyday seats.”

Both Chambers and Lawn leveraged data from an IWMS to run space scenarios. Without this type of software, however, they would be forced to use spreadsheets, manual measurements, and other cumbersome methods—none of which ultimately provide the critical insights schools are depending on to modify their layouts.

“These tools are allowing us to solve needs,” Chambers stressed. “This has been essential to us feeling prepared and ready to welcome faculty, students, and admin back to some form of normal. We can leverage our data to answer and solve tough questions in preparation for reopening.”

By Ian Morley
Chief Product Officer

Webinar – What’s New in ARCHIBUS v25.2

Webinar – What’s New in ARCHIBUS v25.2

ARCHIBUS V.25.2 is the first full-software release that is on our target quarterly cadence. ARCHIBUS V.25.2 contains the following major enhancements:

Return to Work

Planning to safely welcome employees back to the office is a concern for all facility managers. To support a return to work, ARCHIBUS V.25.2 supports:

  • Space planning cases
  • Social distance validation
  • Auto-cleaning after hoteling

Additionally, to support maintaining a safe environment after employees return to work, V.25.2 includes the Dynamic Workplace home page.

This is available for both ARCHIBUS Cloud and the full ARCHIBUS product.

Space Enhancements

Many enhancements designed for Return to Work were trends before the pandemic and will continue going forward.

Even if you do not use the Space features specifically for managing Return to Work, you can use the features for general space planning. For example:

  • Assigning employees to phases and days of the week

  • Designating employees as working remotely

  • Assigning room statuses

Application and User Interface Enhancements


You can now access reference docs for archived work using the Search and Manage Work Requests task.

Capital Projects

When working with projects, you can now import and export Microsoft Project 2016 projects.

Company Logo

Administrators can now display their customer logo in the view header using the System / System / ARCHIBUS Administrator – Application Configuration / Edit Logo task. Previously, a company entered its logo by overwriting \ab-core\graphics\customer-logo\customer-logo.png. Since sites working on a hosted Cloud deployment did not have easy access to this file, we have added this task so you can upload your logo file to the database.


The self-service Workplace view has the following enhancements:

  • Customers with a Corrective Maintenance license can now define problem types that will appear in the Workplace Service Catalog.
  • Workplace can now display a company logo, as described above.
  • Administrators can override the default Workplace colors to match customer brand colors. For example, you might configure Workplace to use a shade of yellow to match your company branding or use a red color scheme.

For more information contact IMS Consulting: or find us online at Connect with us on LinkedIn.

About IMS Consulting
For more than a decade, IMS Consulting has delivered the full scope of ARCHIBUS-related services to both government and commercial clients. As a Virginia Certified Small Business, IMS Consulting provides our clients with personalized attention by experienced ARCHIBUS certified consultants. Our experts work with our clients to thoroughly understand how they do business, identify their unique needs, and pinpoint opportunities to better manage their infrastructure, employ more efficient work processes, and make smarter capital budgeting decisions—both today and over the long term.

IMS Consulting specializes in the implementation of ARCHIBUS, the #1 real estate, infrastructure & facilities management solution in the world. ARCHIBUS is the global leader in streamlining how you manage your real estate, infrastructure, and facilities. Centralize your data, planning, and operations onto one seamless platform backed by 35 years of innovation and the world’s largest support network. Reduce costs, enhance sustainability, and create a better workplace by transforming how you connect with people, places, and processes.