ARCHIBUS Space Management

The ARCHIBUS Space Management Application provides an integrated Web and mobile-based solution for viewing and managing an organization’s diverse types of space to ensure optimal space allocation.

With the ARCHIBUS Space Management application organization can finally answer that fundamental question, “What does my space look like?”

The application is made up of 4 distinct programs:

Strategic Space Planning

Simplify strategic space planning and forecasting to support multifaceted space planning requirements. Optimize space planning and forecasting at all levels from the portfolio, city, site/campus, to the building and room levels, as well as plan short, medium, and long-term “what-if” scenarios for organizations of all sizes.

Space Inventory & Performance

Evaluate performance and plan space usage to maximize efficiency and decrease total occupancy costs. The application delivers flexible, self-service reporting for effective space allocation and cost control. Improves evaluation of building performance and enables accurate benchmarking.

ARCHIBUS BIM Space Management

Personnel & Occupancy

Optimize space occupancy rates and improve planning capability to accommodate future expansion, consolidation, or re-balancing. The application provides immediate, accurate reporting of occupancy statistics for space usage and re-balancing purposes. Improve your forecasting accuracy for future needs based on current room availability and planned occupancy growth. Easily assign employees to temporary or permanent available space using highlighted drawings.

Space Chargeback

Streamline the chargeback process to increase space accountability and reduce occupancy costs. The application improves accuracy of departmental cost reporting for greater accountability on dedicated and common area space costs as well as assures more accurate planning based on current space costs and planned future growth projections that improve critical decisions on consolidations, moves, and acquisitions.

For more information contact IMS Consulting today or connect with us on犀利士