ARCHIBUS Building Operations

As ARCHIBUS certified business partners, IMS Consulting offers the implementation of the ARCHIBUS Building Operations Application.

On Demand Work

Schedule, dispatch, manage, and report maintenance tasks efficiently using self-service capabilities to reduce operational costs and increase customer satisfaction

Efficiently managing maintenance tasks is vital to keeping your organization’s infrastructure and facilities running smoothly. Stay on track with ARCHIBUS On Demand Work – a Web-based application that automates all the steps of the on demand maintenance process, from requests, to approvals, to scheduling and work order issuance, to completion and feedback. On Demand Work’s self-service functionality helps lower operating costs by enforcing process control and keeping information current, accessible, and actionable. This centralized repository enables improved forecasting and budgeting to optimize operational effectiveness. Raise customer satisfaction levels by empowering requestors and communicating with them at every step of the proces樂威壯
s with ARCHIBUS On Demand Work.

Preventive Maintenance

Streamline and automate the PM process to proactively maintain critical assets, minimizing downtime and repair expense.

Ensuring that critical assets are in optimal condition requires effective maintenance processes to efficiently allocate resources, enforce procedures/schedules, and manage performance. Webbased ARCHIBUS Preventive Maintenance (PM) enables users to proactively maintain assets, efficiently balance schedules, optimize resources, and track key metrics. Simplify and improve PM processes with ARCHIBUS Preventive Maintenance to minimize costly repairs, reduce operational downtime, extend asset service lifecycles, and improve planning.

For more information contact IMS Consulting today or connect with us on LinkedIn.